He really. Needed to stop squirming. For multiple reasons. Fortunately, Klyk was nothing if not a paragon of patience and self-denial. After all, he was Catholic.
"If I release you, you will injure me, flee, or both," Klyk pointed out sourly. "I would very much prefer to have normal conversation like two rational adults, but you have limited my options severely." He let out a huff of irritated breath. "But you are also not wrong."
He released Matt's head briefly, and then removed his knee from the man's back... onto the backs of his calves, instead. Pinning both Matt's legs with his knees, he pulled the man up by his arms, still pinned behind his back, until he was kneeling on the ground, but still just as pinned, really.
"This is, perhaps, easier for talking," he suggested, as if this wasn't probably a pose straight out of the BDSM edition of the kama sutra. Which he was uncomfortably aware of, but still. There weren't any pinning positions that could not be taken as sexual, especially by someone as determined as Matt. "Now perhaps you tell me why you steal so many very stupid things, and we can find alternate plan."
 "Aww, Klyk, how could you think so little of me after all we've been through?" Damn, was he really getting that predictable? Matt's disappointed pout at being read so easily quickly morphed into an excited grin as he earned a rather large victory. He remained pliant as Klyk readjusted his position, pressure shifting from his back to his calves before he was pulled into an upright position. Oh, he could so work with this.
Matt didn't simply remain upright. Once pulled up, he melted back against the body behind him, arching his back since his hands were still pinned. It wasn't even that uncomfortable for him to contort his body so that his ass ended up against Klyk's crotch while his head rested somewhere around the vicinity of Klyk's chest, not quite able to reach his shoulder while he was positioned like this.
"Sure can." Matt purred, looking up at Klyk with that mischievous grin still in place. He wasn't being so obnoxious to start grinding on the guy, not yet at least, but he did have to shift a little bit to make sure that he was in a comfortable position while maintaining as much bodily contact as possible and maybe the shifting was really just him making sure he was where he wanted to be. Damn, he was regretting getting dressed when he'd woken up. This'd be better in boxers.
"And maybe you could tell me why you're so determined to stop me from stealing, your words, stupid things." Matt rambled on, letting his eyes draw slowly down from Klyk's to draw his appreciative gaze down to his chest and back up again while he spoke, "And maybe even explain why you always show up as a giant dog instead of like this. I'd have a lot less time to steal stupid things with you around causing such a distraction." He shifted again, twisting his wrists under the guise of trying for a more comfortable position. In truth, he was perfectly comfortable, thanks, (except for maybe his calves, his lower legs were totally falling asleep and it was going to suck to stand up again) and could probably keep a position like this all day, if he had to.
 "It is remarkable I think as well of you as I do after all we have been through," Klyk said bluntly. All Matt had put him through, more like.
And now he was leaning on him. It was frustrating for a number of reasons. Frankly, if he thought he could fuck him straight--well straight in terms of crime, anyway--he'd probably do it. He'd let people have sex with him for worse reasons than that. But he really, really did not think that would work, and really, really thought it would make things worse. So. He shoved Matt away, holding his arms pinned behind his back at arm's length, but still keeping him off the ground. It did not look comfortable.
"Simple. I stop you from stealing because it is wrong to steal. There are exceptions, but your thefts never seem to be. You are hardly poor man stealing bread. I show up as giant dog because you have shot me once and punched me multiple times. It hurts less as giant dog." Also, cameras. Cameras knew about the existence of a giant demon dog, haunting the city. They did not know about the existence of a demon man haunting the city, which might have raised a lot more issues for Klyk. "Simple explanation, very honest. Easy. Now, is your turn."
 "That's fair." Matt said easily, looking amused as he mulled over all they had been through. Shootings, close calls, and all the rest. Really, it was kinda surprising this hadn't happened sooner. He needed to get better about keeping track of how pissed of he was making people in the future.
The new position was not appreciated, nor was it as comfortable as his previous one had been. Shit, he must have overplayed it. Not to be deterred by relatively mild manhandling, Matt turned his head to flash Klyk another grin over his shoulder. "Hey, no fair." The grin turned into a pout. "I was comfy."
His expression shifted again as the demand for answers turned back on him. "Gosh, I don't know. I'm having an awfully hard time remembering." Matt said with a sigh, his shoulders slumping as much as they could in this position. He shifted his upper body, as if trying to move less strain from his arms, but clearly accomplished nothing from his efforts. "I'm just so tense, too!" Matt whined, letting his head hang forward and, shortly afterwards, the rest of his upper body dropped down as well, which just so happened, accidentally of course, of putting him in a very compromising position of his ass sticking out and, oh no! Silly him, he somehow was pressed up against Klyk's crotch again. This whole venture quickly became a pinned version of doggy style.
"Maybe I'd be able to really think hard about my crimes if I wasn't so distracted."
 Klyk let out a frustrated growl. It didn't sound very different from the sort of growl he had when he was a dog, really. He was very tempted to slam Matt back into the ground, less gently this time. He clearly didn't need to be talking, since he wasn't actually saying anything of any value.
Really, he was about to call this one a wash. Which was annoying, because he knew there was more to Matt than the asshole let on. He could tell. And he very much did not want to have wasted months playing nice only to have to do something drastic now.
He yanked Matt back upright by his arms, which didn't do much to help the 'ass grinding against his crotch' position, which was rapidly becoming a serious issue.
Well, there was one last thing he could try, he supposed, before he just gave up and moved to dropping Matt off with the cops a few dozen times. He'd been known to use this particular strategy, although, to be frank, never like this, and never for this reason. But it should be fine, so long as he didn't involve, uh, himself, so to speak.
"I have never heard of this particular kind of memory problem," he said irritably, growling it into Matt's ear. "But I am very patient, very lenient man, as you no doubt noticed. So I will attempt to work with you on this." He pulled down on Matt's arms, forcing his back to arch, his head to lean against Klyk's chest, quite similar to the position he'd put himself in earlier. With his other hand, he caught Matt's chin and angled his head back further so he could look down at him. "Tell me in what manner you are tense, and perhaps I can assist you yet again."
 Matt gasped as he was suddenly lifted back up. He looked over his shoulder again, curious and more than a little turned on when Klyk started growling at him again. Fuck, it just sort of vibrated right down to his bones so much better than any pathetic human attempt he'd heard before. A grin spread over his face again, his eyebrows raised in false surprise as Klyk shared his disbelief.
"It's a pretty selective problem," He murmured back. A huff escaped him as he was pulled back against Klyk's chest, forcing his body to go loose as Klyk lifted his head to talk down to him.
Fuck he was hot.
Matt was beginning to forget that he'd thrown together this plan partly as an escape tactic. Matt also didn't fucking care because he'd wanted this to happen since the first time he saw this asshole limp out of his shitty shack half naked and bleeding.
"It's you." Matt complained, a slow smile spreading across his face as his purposefully arched his back further, pressing himself more firmly against the hard lines and smooth planes of the body behind him. "I can't focus at all with you like this. I'm overdressed, it's driving me crazy, I need- it's not fair."
 "Ah, so it's my fault?" Klyk said dryly, looking unimpressed. "I feel as though you may be, what is the word... deflecting. Dodging responsibility? It is hardly my issue if you have difficulty with self-control."
He let his hand leave Matt's chin, trailing down the man's chest, stomach, until he came down to his trousers, where he cupped the man's length through his pants. Predictably, it was on its way up. "This, for instance, seems like a personal problem to me," he observed. "How am I supposed to have productive dialogue if you are constantly being distracted by own erection?" He sighed the heavy sigh of a very put-upon man, as if his fondling wasn't actively making the problem extremely worse, extremely quickly. "In Russia, they teach us more manners in such things." This was a lie; they most certainly did not.
"I never claimed to be fair. But I am nothing if not very kind, very patient man. Perhaps I can eliminate this problem for you, yes? Then we can have nice talk." He paused, hand on Matt's zipper. "Unless, of course, I am misinterpreting problem," he suggested. "This happens many times. Language barrier."
 "I have plenty of self-control!" Matt argued as he was literally writhing in a man's arms and trying to convince him to have some sort of sex with him all the while conveniently forgetting that this plan had originated as a method to escape said man's arms, not become further ensnared.
The only real leg he had to stand on in this situation is that it hadn't happened... a lot sooner. Which wasn't much of a leg at all. More of a wooden stump, really.
"Fuck." He breathed when Klyk's hand finally, fucking finally, made its way to his dick. This man was the worst. His hand was on his dick but he wouldn't stop talking. Not only was he talking way too fucking much, this asshole was fucking teasing him. He knew exactly what he was doing and it was as frustrating as it was exciting. "Well, here in the States we have a bad habit of making our problems everyone's problems." Matt's voice was impressively even while he badly concealed aborted efforts to rock his hips forward into Klyk's hand. "You know, spread the wealth and all that."
"Yes- no, fuck." Ah, and this was where he stopped keeping his voice even. "You've identified the problem exactly, jesus christ, don't stop." God, he was acting like an idiot, but somehow he'd almost convinced this other idiot to hold him still while he touched his dick, so who was the real winner, here? "It'll be a whole lot easier to talk after you've taken care of my problem."
As if.
 Klyk was determined not to enjoy this. Too much. He could enjoy it a little. He'd probably earned that much; Matt had been giving him a very hard time for a very long time. No pun intended.
Also, it was fun to see him get a little tongue tied, and a little desperate. He wouldn't have guessed this would be the way to get the stubborn man to cooperate, but if he was like this already, from just a bit of touching... Well, there might be some hope for the situation after all.
"Alright," Klyk agreed gamely. "But I hope you will be more cooperative after."
As if.
He pulled the other man's fly down, slowly, and slid his hand in just far enough to maneuver Matt's rapidly hardening dick out into open air. He felt a bit of twitching interest of his own, but kept his breaths measured to keep it under control. This would work a lot better if he kept himself, erm, calm, so to speak. He gave Matt a few slow strokes, then paused. "Ah, this is no good. You may chafe," he announced to no one in particular, then pulled his hand back up. He was very tempted to have Matt provide the 'lotion' himself, to stick his fingers into the man's mouth until his hand dripped with saliva...
But he knew his own saliva had properties that made it a bit more interesting for these things. So he spat into his own hand, then brought it back down, stroking Matt again and spreading the wetness as thoroughly along his length as he could. And soon, the hot, the cold, the tingling... Matt wasn't the first person he'd done this to, after all. He continued stroking, slowly, twisting his wrist gently as he did.
"Feeling any less tense?" he asked innocently, as though he had no idea that Matt would likely be feeling less verbose than ever.
 Ugh. Even when this asshole was finally getting down to business, he still found a way to drag this out.
Matt let out a sigh of relief, relaxing back against Klyk as he watched a dark hand unzip him, seemingly in slow motion (only not-so-seemingly because he was still being a fucking tease). He didn't bother hiding his reaction when his dick was finally, finally out, tilting his head back and letting out a cut-off groan that he'd hoped would encourage Klyk to keep going. But, no, because all of a suddenly there wasn't a hand on his dick anymore and he was whining, not caring how pathetic he sounded because they had just started why did it stop that wasn't fair-
"Come on." He tilted his head to glare at Klyk and give him a piece of his mind about stopping, but he cut himself once it became obvious that Klyk wasn't going to be that much of an asshole. Soon there was a hand back on his dick and, yeah, fine, it felt better with some spit. In fact, it- "What the fuck."
Matt's eyes opened, he wasn't sure when he'd closed them, but then he was shuddering and groaning and staring as Klyk's hand pumped along his cock that felt... shit, it felt like Klyk had done something. His dick felt hot, hotter than just getting jacked off should get him, and then there was a cooling feeling, all of it overlaid with a tingling sensation that had him panting and testing the restraints on his arms because he needed to grab something.
"What the fuck did you do?" He asked between pants and groans, ignoring the asshole's questions because he could clearly feel the tension throughout his spine and arms as the tinglehotcoldheat wound him up further and further.
Shoulda expected this fucking hellbeast to keep surprising him.
 There was something innately enjoyable about having sex with someone so absolutely and blatantly desperate.
Klyk did have a marked tendency to only have sex with people who made themselves extremely clear, but this degree of [desperation] was almost uncalled for, and finally more amusing than it was annoying when Klyk was in a position to actually do something about it.
"It is saliva," Klyk said patiently, as if this weren't patently obvious, as if Matt hadn't just seen him spit in his hand. "Lubrication is important. You are grown man, should know this by now." He knew what Matt was talking about, of course, but he also knew that he'd definitely licked Matt in the past, and he'd remember this particular quality of Klyk's saliva when his brain ascended back to his skull from where it currently resided in his dick.
It was very tempting to get more into it, to nip at Matt's neck or ears from where Klyk was positioned behind him. But he suspected this would go more according to plan--although his plan was already very far off base--if he remained at least semi-professional about this whole thing. Or, at least, if he showed no visible signs of actually enjoying himself.
Instead, he waited until Matt's chest was rising and falling with increasing speed, until his cock twitched in Klyk's hand, his whole body tightening... and then he paused, letting go.
"It occurs to me that we've not quite discussed our terms," he announced, as if it had just come to mind. "You will be telling me what I need to know after this, yes? It is only, if I give you handjob and then you are injured or arrested, I believe it becomes sex crime, and that would be unfortunate for all parties involved." He was unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. "But that will not be problem, because after this, we will be friends, correct? Friends who are very honest with each other."
 God what a smartass. If his brain was actually functioning he'd probably put two and two together and remember the tingling sensation from every single time this damned man had licked him, but he was too busy getting all worked up and then just left hanging because everything has to be a struggle with this gorgeous asshole, didn't it?
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity FUCK this guy was the absolute worst and the moment Matt was free he was going to move and start investing in anti-hellhound-measures for the whole god DAMN city because if he ever saw him again it would be much too fucking soon but before that could even happen he needed to stop whining like the desperate slut he felt like being some times. Right. Breathing would help.
Matt grit his teeth and focused on getting his breathing somewhat under order as he considered what Klyk was asking of him. He kept playing up the desperation, small whimpers and pleads not to stop that were easy because they weren't even fake while his actual brain ran through the rest.
How much was he willing to give? He could feel the breath in his chest shuttering, his body shaking, need warring with anger warring with- fuck, fear? Shit. He was making dumbass decisions again, he'd let this go too goddamn far and now this man was getting too fucking close. He should have never even considered just playing the game, he'd just gotten caught up in it, it had been fun and Klyk was hot and kind and it hadn't seemed worth doing anything drastic. Matthew Rhodes wasn't a cold-blooded murderer. He also didn't want to run the nice demon hobo out of town. But said demon hobo man was going to single-handedly destroy everything he'd been working towards because Matt was a bleeding fucking heart and kept pussy-footing around whether or not his life's mission was actually worth jack shit to himself. Fuck.
"Two questions." He finally said on a shaky exhale, hoping that all that desperation and arousal would cloak any underlying fearregretpanic swirling underneath, "I'll answer two questions honestly. Please..."
He wasn't even going to touch on that 'friends' bit. He couldn't think about it too hard. Not right now.