![[Image: The%20Spider%20amp%20The%20Fly.png]](http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f206/Blade_Redwind/The%20Spider%20amp%20The%20Fly.png)
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~

The Spider & The Fly [Closed]
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~
![]() ![]() One black booted foot moved to rest on the ledge of a building thirty stories up. He reached up, a gloved hand shooting a grappling hook; it caught on the ledge of another building and he tested it briefly before swinging off and gliding through the air. Choppy black strands smacked around a mask that only covered his eyes, one lined in light blue. A biker-esque jacket that matched the rest of his nighttime costumed attire also flapped wide open, revealing a symbol on his chest in the same shade of blue—a graphic of a kabuki mask. He exhaled as he hit a button on the handle in his hand; something jerked and the line retracted while he was midflight. He timed it well; as soon as it clicked back in place he was flipping, bending gracefully and landing in a crouch atop another building. His whole body flexed once, taking the impact properly as it snaked up his legs and into his chest. The kinetic energy dissipated and he rose quietly, fluidly moving to the edge and looking down. And then he was kneeling again, eyes behind white eye covers on the mask narrowing. It made the eye slits narrow as well, his brow pushing it down. Seb pulled out a small set of video binoculars from his utility belt and looked through them. Three outside the warehouse. The intel was good so far. He tapped a button on the binoculars and they shifted to a red tint—second level x-ray vision. Hm... five on the inside, likely waiting for the go-ahead to send the ‘shipment’ out. Seb’s throat tightened and his jaw clenched. Then he was putting his tech aside, silently sending a thank you to Dez. He stood and pulled two balls from his utility belt. Two buttons were pressed in quick succession before he dropped them down in the middle of the three goons. Smoke erupted and they were coughing as the haze overtook the alley. He dropped down then, landing on the asphalt right in the middle of it just before putting on a gas mask. Instinct took over and he swung through a series of practiced motions. Three bodies hit the ground and the smoke cleared. Seb removed the mask with a smirk—the only emotion to pass his stony features. Three down, five more to go. Then free the cargo and I can go home. Home to an empty apartment, but a home all the same. Brushing the thought aside, Seb slipped in the door and moved toward the shadows, prowling and watching for his next target. As he came to the edge of a stack of crates a man passed him by, catching his gaze. Before he could utter a word, Sebastian grabbed him and pulled him into a choke hold. Moments passed on as his arms coiled around the other man, suffocating him and waiting... waiting... He went slack and Seb released him gently. He pulled a set of cuffs from his belt and latched him to a thick pipe coming down the wall. Four more to go, he told himself as he stood, ready for the fight.
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~
![]() ![]() From the east a wind stirred the air in the warehouse. Even with the lined jean jacket and leather gloves, it made his body shiver and goosebumps to spread across his skin. The time moved on slowly as the team waited. The bellows died down and all that was left was the sound of distant cars and heavy boots on either cement or metal. The cat walk had at least two guys, the roof held one and there were two more inside on the ground by the cargo. Waiting for the next shipment to come pick up. or was it drop off another batch, he wasn't sure anymore. This warehouse, these people. They didn't matter. Only the job and his task at hand. The heavy AK47 was frozen in his hand. Fingers itching for some excitement. or noise. After the last fuck up in their sister business partner, everyone was in high alert. Boss' orders, no talking. Even the radio was dead silent. All that could be heard was the wind and foot steps. Well, the average ears would only pick up these signs. But Kes was different. Trained differently and held a life unlike a normal child. Not terribly hard, no mental scars as far as he was concerned, but different. He could hear breathing. The intake and exhale of each person he worked with. Knew their rasp or walk by sound alone. Some even by scent. BO or cologne, it didn't matter. Any change or new scent made it self known, he would know. So when the scent of salt and sugar and dye reached his nose - a military based formula for a smoke bomb - he could not help the glint in his eye nor the smile from his face. Under the baseball cap with a depiction of a shark, Kes knew his smile was very similar to the cartoon variation on his head. The one he had hoped would show finally arrived. And yet Kes made no move to warn his comrades. Instead, the rifle was set aside on a pile of crates and Kes stepped into the shadow. Disappearing all together from view. In the shadows, he watched and waited. Minding his time to strike out to finish his job. Or steal another caress to his masked bird wonder. It was always such a great night when the two would end up beyond spent from being in each others arms. Well, more from grappling than anything more but the contact was still there.
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![]() Two on the catwalk. He took a moment to consider his options as he eyed the two near the shipping crate about... twenty feet in front of him. If he attacked the two on the ground level the two on the catwalk would probably star firing their guns at him. He still had the element of surprise, but he was not in the mood to get shot tonight. If he took the two on the catwalk first, he would still get shot at, but it would be harder for the two on the ground to hit him without hitting their own people. Naturally, there was no real way of knowing if they cared about that kind of thing. The best option was to limit the number of people he had to fight with. “More smoke it is,” he muttered, reaching into his utility belt again. He had five smoke bombs and three more that contained sleeping gas. He took three of the smoke bomb balls and hit their buttons, kneeled, and then rolled them across the floor towards the two guarding the container. Before either man could register just what was happening, the smoke had overtaken their portion of the room. Seb was dashing into it even as the men on the catwalk started shouting and running towards the stairs leading down. Seb didn’t wait for them to make it, per se. While the other two men were coughing and trying to get out of the smoky haze, he slipped in and hit them both in just the right place at the base of their skulls with his staff. When the other two men ran up, he was dashing out, taking them by surprise and disarming them with a kick and well-aimed swing of his weapon. The guns went skittering across the floor in two darkened directions. One of the men cursed and tried to punch him, but Seb ducked low and swung just as low so that the other man tripped and fell flat on his back. He turned as the other came at him, staff swinging and separating into three parts as he did so. It caught the last guy on the jaw, causing him to fall back and out—completely. “Fuckin’ Kabuki...” he heard the man behind him mutter. Seb glanced at him, mouth a flat line, watching as he tried to sit up. With a grunt, Seb had his staff reform to one whole and slammed the butt end of the metal rod against the assailant’s head, effectively knocking him out as well. It was around this time that the man who Seb hadn’t accounted for, the one who had been on the roof, came slinking up behind him.
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~
![]() ![]() Such a sight to see when the fighting began. Up in the dark corner of the factory, high above any knowing eyes, Kes sat calmly. Watching a movie of sorts. An action movie at that, And from his perch up in the rafters, it was easy to tell why he so loved to watch the Kabuki at his game. The movements were solid and flowed like a contained dancer. Waiting for music to thrill him into such a form of movement that it would be impossible to take your eyes away for want of anything but a better view. But all to quickly - like with many of these hired goons - it was over and done with. Their passed out bodies lay on the floor around the lone-avenger of the night. The smoke had all but faded by now, and it seemed that the masked wonder was looking for someone. Trying to account for something. Perhaps he was looking for the other goon. One that was a little more trained than these street things since he was able to sneek-up behind the trained hero. That is, he would have been able to if it were not that Kes chose that moment to let his body relax backwards completely and land directly on top of the jerk. Full of strength and using his entire body weight, his booted heels dug into the mans back while he fell creating a crunch on the cement where he crumbled onto the floor. A busted head, maybe some ribs it was hard to really tell when Kes kept his hazel gaze on the man in-front of him with a super hero emblem on his chest and not the man he stood upon. The boss of this little squad. Spikes of black hair poked out from under the hat he wore. A nose much too large to be real and gnarly teeth grinned over to his old acquaintance. True, he had worn many a disguise when in-front of his most interesting friend. And perhaps by now the man would recognize the facade. Maybe. "For a kid on his own with nothing but a stick," came a clear almost sultry voice, "You do pretty well. A few toys do help, don't they..." Oh the look on the Kabuki's face was priceless. Definitely worth the wait to annoy and pester.
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![]() Who was this jackass. He—. And then it hit Seb the moment he spoke. He could wear all the disguises he wanted, interchange one wig for another, one mask for the next. Seb would know that voice anywhere. “Fox,” he spat. Because the bastard needed a name of some kind and because Seb needed a name to say like a curse, like a vile pit of sludge he didn’t want around. The asshole was chaotic and loose at his hinges. He didn’t give a damn who got caught in the crossfire. Seb just wished he’d leave his turf alone; that or find himself in a cell courtesy of Las Bellenas’ finest. Not that Seb hadn’t tried to do that himself a number of times. Fox always slipped through his fingers or they always ended their little dances in a stalemate—something always came up for either him or Seb it seemed. Every muscle was primed to attack, to pounce on him. God he wanted to—just to see if he could get him this time. But he didn’t have time for this right now. At all. There were lives at stake. “Don’t have time for your BS tonight,” he said next, his voice low and dark—darker than usual. “Your obsession.” He turned towards the large shipping crate’s metal doors and knelt in front of the lock, pulling out a device. He went to work quickly with the toy Dez had made for him. “Not when I’ve got lives to save.”
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~
![]() ![]() 'A Fox, am I....' Kes grinned like one and thought it a fitting name aside from 'fucker', 'sick-fuck' or 'bastard'. At the way the other looked at him, Kes knew he had made another great memory for himself and the Kabuki. For as often as their paths crossed - sometimes on purpose and sometimes not - it was amazing that the two never got into a real brawl where the other ended up dead. Close to it on more than one occasion, but something had always held his hand back. There was a time he'd have killed the young hero without a fleeting thought. And yet, he didn't. He enjoyed the battle the two played at. "Ohh....you didn't want them dead, was it?" his accent seemed to flow into something more akin to a west London pip before a deep chuckle broke the thick tense-atmosphere like cheese. To emphasize the man was dead under his heavy boots, Kes pressed his left foot down more, causing the bones in the corpses chest to crack again. One must have splinted and tore open the chest cavity. Almost immediately, blood pooled out from under the man. "....C'est la vie." A real laugh passed his lips before he stepped down from his dead-soap box and moved to lean on the shipment crate's doors in front of Kabuki. "Saving lives. In a way we're both the same. However, you let these horrible creatures masked as humans to be free one day or escape imprisonment. I rectify that." Leaning down a little, Kes grinned broadly and whispered, "I keep the balance much better with a blade and gun than you do with a stick." He stepped back and moved to one of the men laying unconscious on the ground. Or at least he seemed to be unconscious. As Kes drew closer, a long shimmering blade fell from his sleeve. Ready to kill the man when he sat up suddenly and shot Kes right in the torso with a small gun under his sleeve. Kes didn't seem fazed - but for a flinch - and tossed the blade into the shooters face. Effectively stopping the man from ever moving again. "...Mut...." cursing, his hand went to his side. Still Kes was able to retrieve his blade and stick it into his boot to use again.
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![]() Fuckin’ sicko. Of course, it didn’t help that some depraved part of Seb enjoyed it a little bit; he could tell his own prick to temper down a notch and it’d betray him like a kid in a candy store who’d had too much chocolate and didn’t want to say no to more. If someone broached the topic, not that anyone would know to, and he’d deny it vehemently. His face would twist up, his lip would curl, and he’s out right fake a round of retching if need be to make his point. But there was no one to know really tell, aside from Dez. And he sure as fuck wasn’t going to tell his ex that vigilante with a gun and a taste for death and violence was likely doing the equivalent of what he considered flirting with Seb. No way in hell. Not even after he tossed Fox in prison. Eventually. His jaw flexed when the other man slipped up in front of him. He immediately stopped his progress and reached for his staff as he looked up—fully ignoring the fact that he pretty much face level with his crotch. The not that the unintentional-metaphor wasn’t lost him—the one about the stick—that Fox whispered about when he leaned down to close. His jaw flexed once and Seb refrained from hitting him, reminding himself they were on a cease-fire until the innocents were free and safe. He quickly finished priming the device. They’d had this debate before; the one about not killing criminals. “It’s not your job to be judge and juror; not mine either. Not that reminding you of that does a lick of fuckin’ good,” he snap-muttered through his teeth. The device started to beep and he stepped back shortly after the other man, barely overhearing the shuffling of feet from within the steel box; he was distracted enough by both sounds for a time. But eventually he did notice what Fox was doing to one of the fallen criminals. Damnit, not again. He did not have time to babysit this fuckwit. As he tightened his grip on the staff he strode to him, but that was when the goon on the floor shot up and fired a gun. “Christ, you son-of-a-bitch, can’t you leave well enough—.” And... then he killed him. Seb swore under his breath and shoved Fox because his control wasn’t that perfect. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Wait, no, nevermind, don’t answer that,” he snapped next before pinching the bridge of his nose. Some insane part of him wanted to ask if he was alright. Why? Because he was the good guy, the one who was supposed to worry about people when they got fucking shot because they couldn’t mind their own damn business. “You should have known he wasn’t down,” he scolded next in that deeply disguised voice, irritated he cared at all. The staff was put away, retracted to its small size and sheathed under his jacket on his back. He moved forward, pulling the other man’s clothes aside with all the care of an agitated nurse. “God damn fuckin idiot,” he muttered under his breath as his gloved hands skimmed over skin and eyed the leaking wound. “Pints, you’re going to lose pints, you jackass.” He reached into one of his pouches, snapping it open and pulled out another device. A small test tube shaped and sized silver rod. He bit the plastic cap off with his teeth, spit it aside, and hit a button just as one end hovered over the wound. A mess of what appeared to be white and foam-like, and feeling like ice, would coat and cover the wound. “That’ll stop the bleeding for now. Take care of it later,” he bit off just as the lock on the doors behind him boomed and broke with the controlled explosive.. His cool violet gaze, electric and angry, the one that couldn’t be seen because if the nature of his mask, held the other man’s as best it could—given that he too was wearing a mask. “Don’t kill anyone else on my mission,” he ordered darkly before turning around and heading back to the crate to open it. “If not for me,” he went on, “the at least for the victims. No one wants the first thing they see when escaping a sex ring to be a bloodthirsty asshole with no self-control.” As the doors opened he stepped aside and told the young men and women to move and to leave in the direction of the doors he pointed to. Cops would be waiting—soon, he told them. Some thanked him, but he kept it short, detached, and quick. He was a little more coarse that usual because of Fox’s antics.
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~
![]() ![]() Kes felt the pain of it, relished in the idea of feeling something other than empty and hatred. It was when he heard a muffled voice behind him that he knew that the little Kabuki drew close. Hands on his body, pushing aside the material of his outfit to look at the wound, a hand fluttered into his hair as he tried not to laugh at the scene. Blood and gore scattered around them, his own red life oozed out of the bullet wound and soaked his clothes, yet here was the very man himself. The peoples avenger tending to the wound of the one they called the devil in lambs skin. He had to bite back a laugh at how funny it looked to see the golden boy mending him. Perhaps it was not the best of ideas to feel this light hearted under the circumstances, yet it was too late for that now. "I will-....behave." was all the was said in reply once the lock broke and the people were free. The task done, but perhaps not exactly as the other intended it to be. As one of the men rushed forward from their prison, Kes groaned at the idea of being touched by the blaggard before the ground seemed to float upwards towards his face. And there lay the Fox demon himself. A gunshot wound to his side and all the blood loss just enough to turn the world black and silent.
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![]() “Christ.” He was on the floor next to him in a hot minute, moving clothes once more and turning him over the examine the wound again. Foolishly, he hadn’t calculated that the shot had gone clean through, leaving a gushing exit wound. He swore under his breath once more as he heard the door to the warehouse open. Cops. Seb quickly pulled out another stick, bit off the tip, and tended the other side of the wound as he did the before. That would stop the blood loss for now—at least until he got somewhere safer. The cops might not mind him so much, or rather letting Kabuki go, but they’d be hard pressed to let Fox off the hook. Without thinking about the fact that this would be a good time to dump Fox, to let him get caught behind bars—as he’d always wanted—finally, Seb tossed his body over his shoulder and bounded out of the warehouse as quickly as he could manage. Hopefully the police wouldn’t blame Kabuki for the minor blood bath. “Idiot Fox.” ____
It was the height of stupidity—probably. Completely. But unlike most high dollar supers, Seb didn’t have the money for a secret base. He made enough to afford a top floor apartment on the edges of downtown and the art district, one that boasted a decent square footage with a place to hide his stuff for heroics... but not enough to really separate his daylight activities from his moonlight gig. So he hadn’t been kind when he’d put Fox in the spare room, making sure to tie his hands and ankles with some of Dez’s handcuff tech. He also hadn’t been kind in making sure he’d removed any toys the wounded idiot could use against him to discover who he was or where they were. Sure, the extra bedroom had a window, but the view wasn’t too specific to tell Fox where they were. And once the bastard was healed up, he’d knock him out, blindfold him, and dump him somewhere safe to wake up that wasn’t Seb’s apartment. For the time being, Seb had made sure to bandage and sterilize his wound properly—stitching it on both sides after making sure there weren’t any stray bullet fragments. The one decent thing he’d probably done aside from the obvious, was not remove his disguise anymore than he had to. But Seb also made sure to keep his own mask on in case the prick woke up. At present, he’d left the door open to the spare room while he worked on making a late night meal. It could take weeks for the gunshot wound to heal... but Seb secretly hoped Fox had some kind of power for that. He wanted him gone asap.
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~
![]() ![]() More than anything, his face hurt. It could have been when he fell face first into the cement back at the warehouse, but this one liked to think that the pain was from being sucker punched by a cop before he was brought to this pathetic safe room at the hospital. There was no medical sterile scent he could pinpoint, but there was something. Alcohol and soap maybe? Something to clean, but not as effective as what they do in a real emergency wing. Just enough to get by. A heavy fog over his mind made it hard to focus on anything aside from the pain in his own body. His head and brain hurt. His torso where he got shot and his left shin. That last one he couldn't think of why it hurt, only that it did. The heaviness and strain it took to move his hand and remove the mask from his face was alot more effort than he would admit. Or more like his attempt to remove the mask. Growling low in his throat, a sound that was too animal to come from a man, Fox realized his hands were restrained. Handcuffs. Pathetic coppers. This one struggled against the restraints as the fog began to lift. His eyes remained closed for the time being. Reaching out his other senses to make up the place he was in. Even if this was a prisoner ward in the hospital, it was far too well made. An old building, but less cancer in the air. Brick or stone building. The window close by - slightly cracked open and the smell of moisture in the air from it raining within the past hour - carried the scent of clay. A stone scent, more like. Moving from the window and lack of noise outside, Fox returned to the room itself. Small and no beeping machines to be attached to. There was a clock. A wall clock ticked in the distance. In the hall or across the room, but close by. It was when the scent of cooking food touched his nose that he snapped open his eyes and looked about the area. The Fox grinned at the realization of where he was. Someone's home. Either Kabuki himself or someone closely tied with the little treat. Oh so many things to be said at these realizations. But no time to fully entertain them. The steaks he was frying in the pan were beginning to burn. "The fire is too hot, my sweet....lower the flame." Was all that he could muster in his horse, dry voice before coughing from the pain of it.
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![]() “Shit,” he muttered at the burning smell, flipping the rib-eye and turned down the temp on the burner. Though, this was around the time he heard a coughing from his spare room. The bastard was awake; either that or he was choking in his sleep. Why the fuck had he brought him home again? Seb tried not to think about it too hard as he went a cabinet and pulled out some hoagie rolls and two plastic cups. He eventually pulled the steak off the stove, sliced it into strips after letting it sit for a little while, and then caramelized some sliced onions. A few more minutes later and he had two plates put together. He scarfed his own sandwich down, washing the flavor away with a glass of water before heading towards the spare room to greet his guest. Aside from the mask he’d dressed down—barefoot, jeans, tight black tank top, and a hoodie to match. He’d also taken a shower, so droplets were clinging to his wet ebony strands when he entered through the door. Without saying a word, he placed Fox’s midnight meal on the nightstand. He reached up and undid the locks around his wrists; his ankles were still tethered, so Seb wasn’t worried. And anyway, the freak needed his hands to eat. “Hungry?” he muttered before sitting in the only chair present in the mostly barren room, the same one he’d used earlier when he’d been stitching up the asshole. His arms crossed over his chest as he waited for a reply roughly one foot away from the left side of the bed.
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~
![]() ![]() The Kabuki didn't seem as if he wanted to reply to him. Kes gave a heavy sigh and tried to arch his back and stretch out his arms. It was impossible without hurting himself again, but once he heard a crack in his back the pain went away due to the relief from the strain on his back. It was always a problem with getting old. Things got tight. Hurt. And every amount of movement was a pain while conscious. That, and he hadn't really fully healed since the last bullet to his leg two weeks ago. While assessing his damaged body, stomach growling from the scent of food, he almost missed it when the beautiful boy walked in again. "Is that for me....?" he looked into the mans face, feeling a little down at the fact he wore a mask in his own home to maintain that distance. Kes didn't blame him, not entirely. Still, he looked too the plate of food and drink with narrowed eyes. It could have something in it that would disagree with his stomach. But then again, he saw the onions and his mouth watered. Laid out on a bed of cow meat and shimmering with flavor, Kes was tempted to break his beliefs just to have some food in his stomach. Hands free, he sat up and stretched his neck. Tilting his head one way and the other. Back and forward till it cracked. Groaning deep in his chest - much like a purr - the fox stilled and looked at the boy sitting in the chair not far from him. Out of reach, but close enough to see the grimace on the corner of his mouth. "I am not hungry. But thank you." Kes grinned. The prosthetics remaining on his face perfectly to keep his real face underneath a secret still. Reaching for the water, he sniffed it then took a drink. It was just water, as far as he could tell. The kid was not a complete dick to poison a unsuspecting person. Not like he was. "So....now what, hm?"
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![]() He had to eat. “Not hungry? Right,” he shot off, “I don’t know when you ate last, but you lost a few pints between the warehouse and when I put you back together. If you don’t eat, you’re not going to heal. And the longer you take to heal, the longer you’re here.” A smirk. “So what is it? Stubbornness? Picky eater? Or are you just trying to piss me off again, Fox?” He refrained from sighing at the question. What now? Hell if he knew. If he were intelligent he’d have dumped his ass off at the nearest hospital with a message. But no, he knew why. They’d fuck it up; Fox would hurt more people. Somehow. Get away. Who knew. Or maybe Seb felt some sick and twisted responsibility towards him because he got hurt during his job. Which was totally ridiculous; he wasn’t responsible for him. At all. He was the idiot who’d stuck around, playing his games, running his mouth—not paying attention. Seb didn’t owe him anything. He told himself it’s because the cops would fuck it up. Fox had so many aliases... so many fake names... he’d be booked with the normal population. And by the time they figured it out? He’d be gone. No... it was just better for him to be here. For now. Where he could keep an eye on him. “You’re stuck here,” he finally said. “At least until you get well. Then who fuckin’ knows.” It’d be easy to kill him, but Seb didn’t roll that way. He didn’t kill. Not if he didn’t have to. And he hadn’t had to yet.
Sometimes I feel like a girl~... sometimes I don't~
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