He recoiled a little, taken aback by her sudden frosting assault. He blinked, and waited. Was she going to lick it off of him, now? His nose seemed like a weird place for her to lick, but she'd licked a lot of things that wouldn't have occurred to him, so what did he know.
When she made no move to do any such thing, he leaned forward enough to put a hand on top of her head to hold her still. There was still frosting on his finger, and so he smeared it across her lips again, and then across her cheek. Then he nuzzled at her other cheek, effectively transferring the frosting she'd put on him.
Still holding her still, he started to lickā¦ her whole face. Essentially. He licked one cheek, and then the other, taking his time because he was enjoying himself. Then he licked her mouth, again, and finally let her go. He rocked back to his comfortable crouch, and looked at the can of frosting to see if there was any more to be had.
When she made no move to do any such thing, he leaned forward enough to put a hand on top of her head to hold her still. There was still frosting on his finger, and so he smeared it across her lips again, and then across her cheek. Then he nuzzled at her other cheek, effectively transferring the frosting she'd put on him.
Still holding her still, he started to lickā¦ her whole face. Essentially. He licked one cheek, and then the other, taking his time because he was enjoying himself. Then he licked her mouth, again, and finally let her go. He rocked back to his comfortable crouch, and looked at the can of frosting to see if there was any more to be had.