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Intelligent Life [Closed] - Tindome - 08-16-2015

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Intelligent Life [Closed] - Tindome - 08-16-2015

    Uala was not in charge of containing the specimens. Xe was also not in charge of capturing the specimens. Xe didn't even get to choose the specimens. Xe just did data collection and practical research.

    It wasn't a bad job, anyway. Xe liked it. The only jobs xe got these days were the interesting ones, because xe was the only one whose curiosity thoroughly overwhelmed xyr good sense, and xe wasn't squeamish. Ideal qualities for a scientist, though it wasn't going to do wonders for xyr life expectancy. This was as close as xe was going to get to fieldwork.

    Tentacles slid over one another and silk fluttered in xyr wake as xe went gliding down the hall toward xyr lab, where someone ought to have already relocated the containment unit. Xe might have just picked it up from quarantine xyrself, but apparently this one was quite large. The file did not specify where this one had been acquired, which gave xem a sort of morbid curiosity. Uala knew better than to ask for details, despite that. Not relevant to xyr work, wasting time and sticking xyr tentacles into other peoples' business.

    Dry-breathing mammalian vertebrate didn't give xem a whole lot to go on, but it was a start. Someone had left a note that it was a little like a keph, if keph were bipedal and intelligent. That was much more specific, and much more interesting.

    Then again, the preliminaries had been done by interns. Who knew what they considered intelligent.

    Xe turned on the lights in the lab as xe entered, both sets of eyelids blinking as xyr eyes adjusted to the light.

    «Oh, my,» xe sang with delight as xe looked over the transparent enclosure, somewhere in the range of c-sharp major. «You are a big one, aren't you?» Xe collected the control that went to its restraint bracers, but didn't use it just yet. Though it was very tempting to drag it up against the enclosure to get a better look. Xe wanted to see what it would do if xe left it to its own devices, first.

    «Hello, hello,» xe sang, knowing very well that it couldn't understand xem. Xe was really just trying to make soothing noises, drawing all xyr tentacles inward to try and look small and unassuming. «Are you going to let me get a better look at you? Don't be frightened.» Not that it didn't have good reason to be frightened, but it made xyr job so much harder when specimens were skittish. Uala's coloration changed from a bright coral to a pale gray-blue, easier on the eyes and perhaps more soothing.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - danixiewrites - 08-16-2015

His head pounded like a warp drive jump had gone wrong, his mouth tasted like he'd swallowed someone's post-gym-funked t-shirt, and he'd be damned if he could see anything other than streaks of light across his vision.

What in the eight moon cycles of Nalin was in that drink?

It'd only been one. It wasn't supposed to have even been that strong. The only thing Roan West knew for certain: he'd lost the card game. Vaguely, he recalled a taxi hover...he was reasonably certain he hadn't called for it himself. He wasn't waking up from a black-out on the floor of his fellow Protectors' den, either, hadn't bunked at the Academy, wasn't in any bed he recognized unless someone had thought dropping him in a cryo-pod would be funny. No...Serventus wouldn't have chucked me in the freezer like some common drunktank inmate. Too much class for that. He blinked some more, willing the sluggish thoughts to be more coherent, rich brown eyes unable to make sense of what definitely wasn't cryonics tech and what couldn't possibly be a high-profile transport unit.

Unsure how far he could push himself when it felt like moving would make the world spin, he began easy. Roan tested the sensations in his bare toes first, rolled too-heavy ankles slightly and both heard the overloud hush of familiar fabric and felt it slide over taut calves. That more than anything clued him in to the fact that this particular prank wasn't the brainchild of one of his fellow warriors--he was still wearing the cream and aqua meditation pants he'd begun the night with.

His shirt was gone.

That was unfortunate, as he'd had a few weapons tucked away that might help him jimmy the top off of the container he appeared to have bedded down in.  Or been stashed in.  That eerie addendum to his thought process made his skin crawl.

A shadow fell over the light and dimmed the glare, a figure, a person or android of some kind; soft susurrus sounds penetrated the translucent plas material overhead.

Well...that's certainly unusual.

It was also contributing to the queasy sensation of foreboding in his gut. A prank would be over by now, some loon or another giving up the game before it had fully played out. So if this wasn't a prank, then...Gingerly, he twisted his wrists where his hands lay flat over his abs. Found them as heavy as his ankles. Novae take it--what am I wearing? Black eyebrows went up and he slowly moved his hands out to the sides of the unit. Roan pressed his palms to the cool surface even as the voice overhead continued its soothing murmur. Rather than immediately confront the unknown, he noted the lack of an immediate threat and took a deep breath. Centering himself further, he registered a soft pad beneath his form, presently long black locks tangled in his stubble in such a way that he couldn't puff out a breath to blow them free, the press of his bun flattened against the crest of his head.

At least wherever he was, he wasn't bleeding, and his wits were finally starting to come together. Shapes and shadows were beginning to take form, track lighting overhead on a rail or embedded in the ceiling, a slim figure coming into focus, colors playing games with his head...

"Hello?" he ventured, "Who's out there?"

Intelligent Life [Closed] - Tindome - 08-16-2015

    The low pitch of the sounds it made lead Uala to assume it was angry, though it wasn't flailing about or trying to get out, at least. Xe clicked chidingly. «Be nice,» xe warned, though still in what xe hoped was a soothing chord. Xe leaned closer to get a better look, cocking xyr head to the side. «Oh, you're fluffy,» xe said with enthusiasm, patting a tentacle over the transparency as if to pet its head. Xe looked down over the rest of it thoughtfully. «Sort of. Sort of fluffy. You are a little kephy, aren't you? Ooh, look at your little keph hands.» Except that they weren't, actually, that little. They were actually huge. Huge, kind of creepy hands.

    This was going to be… difficult. Logistically difficult. This setup wasn't conducive to actually getting any research done, but getting it into a more convenient position was also going to be a pain. An idle tentacle slid around xyr ear and into xyr mouth to bite at it thoughtfully, a very bad habit and a childish one. Xe draped four arms over the enclosure to lean on it, propping xyr chin on xyr tentacles and buzzing as xe mused over the problem. «I should get some more interns in here,» xe admitted, a b-flat minor of displeasure.

    Interns were always so rough, though. And they touched xyr things. Xyr carefully arranged and carefully programmed things.

    «I'm going to try something,» xe decided, sliding off the enclosure and adjusting xyr clothes, cephalic tentacles curling back where they belonged. «Don't try to go running,» xe warned, as if that warning was going to do either of them any good. «I'm going to get in trouble if you hurt yourself.»

    Still holding the restraint controls so that xe could hold it still if xe had to, Uala leaned down beside the enclosure to find the control panel. Xe entered the code and flipped the switch to open the lid, rising back up with astonishing speed and bracing xyrself for the inevitable escape attempt.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - danixiewrites - 08-16-2015

He shoved his palms against the sides a little harder, catching a view of the bands wrapped around his skin.

"Serv, guys, I bid you recall how much I loathe the need for revenge tactics before breakfast..."

He trailed off as his stomach growled and frowned. Was it breakfast? The concept of time when one had been either drugged or otherwise rendered incapacitate--

Is that a tentacle?

Roan's eyes widened as he stared up at the fully-in-focus appendage patting the covering of the unit. Pleased tones came from overhead and he was very not reassured. Particularly when the alien's tone changed to what might have been mild displeasure. It could have been rage for all he knew, a deceptively sweet drone before a horrifying end. Still, the twitching tentacle wasn't aggressive; body language a generally more accurate sign that universal tonality was in play.

Didn't stop him from wishing he'd agreed to a translator implant right about now.

The tentacle lifted to frame a lithe face; he could barely make out smooth features and had no concept of what type of alien he might have been staring up at. Xe nibbled on the end like one might chew on fingernails and Roan felt an uneasy smile twitch across his lips. Okay, this is...this is okay. I can sort this out. More immediate problem one: Why am I in a containment unit with someone possessed of at least one tentacle hovering over me like ey've gotten a present...and THEN backtrack to problem two: how did I get here?

The taxi hover flitted again through his mind but he genuinely couldn't remember. And then it didn't matter that much, as the lid hissed and slid up and away. Maybe this was a rescue. Someone had stuck him in this thing, forgotten about him, and a friendly neighborhood xeno had stopped by to let him out. He sat up slowly, trying to keep his head attached in more ways than one. The room swam before him, but he could at least clearly make out the one who'd brought him out of his bizarre container situation.

Definitely more than one tentacle.  

And that wasn't the only working theory that dissolved into something far less promising than a prank meeting a sideways end. He was in some sort of structure and the environment had a sterile feel. Which could be many things. Not necessarily something ominous. At all.

"Is this a hospital?" Roan hoped aloud with a smile that barely showed teeth. No reason yet to believe if he couldn't make out xyr language, it was unlikely xe would understand his. He shook out his arms as if to remind his muscles they were still prepped for action.  Then he moved faster, throwing a leg over the side and prepping to hop free.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - Tindome - 08-16-2015

    «Ooh – hi! Hello!» Xe doubted that was what it was trying to convey, but it didn't really make a difference. Xe was just pleased it hadn't leapt at xem or bolted. Tentacles still at the remote, xe hit the button to lock the braces the moment both feet were on the floor outside the unit. This might have been a little overzealous, and xe came closer, tentacles all flaring to catch its arms and keep it from falling backward back into the container. Xe got a bit bigger-looking in the process. «Careful, careful,» xe cooed, because those two legs looked terribly unstable. «Just stay here, okay?» Xe said it as if there was a choice in the matter, but struggling against it wouldn't help at all. A tentacle patted its chest to encourage it to stay still.

    «Oh. Oh!» Tentacles released limbs all at once, compressing back down to xyr less intimidating size. «I haven't put gloves on. I haven't put gloves on! Aaaah. Oh, dear, I'm sorry.» Xe attempted to pat reassuringly at the headfluff. «Aaaaah, so fluffy. Oh, this isn't helping at all, I'm sorry.» Xyr cephalic tentacles coiled tight, two arm-tentacles curling on either side of xyr face, turning pale green around xyr eyes. Xe was just terrible when it came to fluffy specimens.

    It was weird. Xe was aware that it was weird. It should have been creepy. It kind of was creepy. But it felt nice! It was very unprofessional.

    «Gloves gloves gloves,» xe sang as xe went to the storage to find them. Hopefully, washing xyr tentacles would be enough to avoid any possible contamination. «There! That's better.» Xyr four arm tentacles were safely covered in plastic, which would probably not be reassuring for anyone but xem. Talking to xyrself in the hopes that the noise would set xyr specimen at ease, since being forced to stay still would be panic-inducing for anyone. «I'll try not to pet you again,» xe said, «but I make no promises.» Xe wheeled a little cart closer to the containment unit, then abandoned it to close the lid again.

    «There,» xe said. «Now you can sit! Won't that be nice? Yes, that will be very nice.» Xe pushed gently at its chest to coax it into sitting.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - danixiewrites - 08-16-2015

Roan turned to face xem fully and realized he couldn't.

Concern trickled in more rapidly, clearing the last of the fuzz from his brain. Hospital. Right. They didn't use immobilizers there. A medical clinic might. Or, you know...a sideways step from that, directions his mind didn't really want to take. Like prison check-ins. Places where humans should really not be tossed in with the gen pop, regardless of their training. "Uh. Is there a particular reason why I'm wearing cuffs?"

He'd barely gotten the question out when tentacles sailed toward him, and immobilizers meant he couldn't duck away as xyr limbs latched around his skin, smooth and more than a little alarming and far too...close. The pat to his chest was received with a widening of his eyes, and he shook his head as if it hadn't cleared up in the slightest. Black locks shuddered around his shoulders.

Wavering slightly with the force of xyr sudden recoil, he wondered if xe had finally realized xe had the wrong man. Until his head was buffeted with touching next. Petted, really. By tentacles. Was this some cultural thing? He couldn't place the type of alien before him, and it certainly didn't seem like asking was getting him anywhere. Xe withdrew slower this time and xyr eyes seemed to brighten slightly; Roan cocked his head to the side. What does that mean? Good things? Bad things?

His tongue finally untangled itself. "I'm sure we can clear this up if we just call--what are you doing?"

Despite the cheery sounds emanating from xem the sight of sterile tentacle coverings had Roan attempting to move. Fast and far. Failing, but definitely attempting to strain against the cuffs. Bad things. Very possibly bad things. What did xe want? He had a feeling the only way he was going to find out would be through experience, since verbal communication didn't seem to be getting him anywhere...and he wasn't at all certain that was going to end well. His hands twitched with the need to try hand gestures, wishing broad sweeps of his arms were possible to get his point across more eloquently. "Really, I'm fine. Everything's great. The containment cell, the's all fine. I'll just go and..."

And nothing, because it was painfully obvious he wasn't going anywhere. The pod closed behind him and when xe returned to his front, Roan gave it an uneasy smile that showed teeth. "Hey gang. You can come out now. This was a good one."

And then he sat, because there were no Protectors coming, no other guardian ranks hiding behind a wall or post waiting to jump out and guffaw like the clowns they were. Doing what xe appeared to want might very well be the fastest--if not the only--way out of the cuffs.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - Tindome - 08-17-2015

    Uala retrieved the datapad so xe could double-check the file, because this specimen was acting… erratic? A manner xe associated more with drugged mammals than with healthy ones. They were supposed to wait until the drugs wore off to bring them to xem, because drugs messed with xyr data. Useless timestamps, notes xe didn't need…

    Oh. 'Keep drugged or restrained.' Okay. 'Dangerous.' Hm.

    «Did you bite an intern?» xe asked suspiciously. «I'm sure they deserved it,» xe said, trying to sound optimistic. They'd been too rough, probably. Uala was nice. This was going okay, so far. Better than xe'd expected with a specimen bigger than xe was.

    No point taking any fluid samples until later, then. «You're feeling very talkative,» xe said, though xe'd hardly call it talking. Tuneless animal sounds signifying nothing. They were getting higher in pitch, but they were looking more anxious rather than less. «Are you supposed to sound angry?» xe wondered. «Are you from a whole species of grumpy, less-furry keph?» Xe came closer, hesitating and tilting xyr head to the side as they bared teeth at xem. Teeth, definitely, and not a beak behind those lips.

    «No biting,» xe warned, because xe didn't want to have to get the muzzle out. Xe very tentatively reached out a gloved tentacle to touch that fluff again, but it wasn't really the same through plastic. Xe buzzed in disappointment.

    Xe let go to retrieve a small light and a scanner out of the cart, and grabbed a waterpouch while xe was at it. «Did they give you water? Do I need to put this in a bowl?» Xe offered the straw to hold in their mouth while xe worked. Another tentacle still scrolled the datapad, looking for information on keph. It was a starting point, right?

    Holding up the light, xe pointed it a little to the side of those eyes to see if the pupils would dilate appropriately. Round pupils rimmed with brown, moving the light in figure-eights to see if they'd follow. «Are you a boy, or a girl?» xe wondered. «If you're like a keph, you're one or the other.» Turning the light off, xe watched for how long it would take their pupils to go back to where they'd been. «Maybe a girl? Very dull coloration. Except for those legs.»

Intelligent Life [Closed] - danixiewrites - 08-17-2015

His jailer--what else do I call an alien who's pulled me from a pod and restrained me with cuffs like one would upon assessing a soon-to-be interned inmate?--was still making sounds like crooning reassurance, until Roan had smiled. Then xyr tone was sharper. He felt like that might be progress; at least some definite indication that tone equated to mood. And then he recalled that some creatures and cultures were disturbed by and even offended by a show of teeth. Whoops. Was it possible that xe was one?

I probably owe xem an apology if that's the case.

"If I've done something to offend you, I do apologize." Roan rolled his shoulders out, perching on the edge of the pod with muscles held rigid. Then he smiled again, this time making sure to keep his teeth hidden, his lips closed. "If you'll just release these, I assure you, it won't happen again."

He was rewarded with another pat on the head.

It's official. Talking: ineffective.

At least, full conversational sentences weren't. Roan sucked his cheeks in and bit down, trying to keep mild frustration in check. Yeah, but what's a universal sign for "let me go, I don't belong here" that I can make without moving?

Xe had tech, was looking something up, something that in all probability also wouldn't be in a language Roan recognized. And though the implements on the cart that xyr tentacles began to coil around and poke toward his face appeared to be similar to standard medical fare, his stomach churned tighter.

It gurgled louder than it had in the pod as he stared suspiciously at the offered drinking straw. Could be more of the drink that got me here in the first place. Or not. So far, beyond the cuffs...I haven't been threatened, Can't wind me up anywhere worse, right? Wrong. This was downright cozy compared to what it could have been, but he was trying to stay upbeat and he was sure if there was worse, he'd survive it. He was a Protector, after all. Tentative, he opened just enough to let it inside, sucked, and closed his eyes as the water soothed the cottony feeling in his mouth, eased a throat he hadn't realized had been quite so dry.

He opened his eyes to find xe had prepared a light. Bright, searching, and searing into his corneas. An eye exam? Despite his efforts to hold his head still so it'd only happen the once, after the light snapped off he turned his head and blinked furiously to try to clear the spots from his vision. "Ugh. Warn me next time."

...for all he knew, xe probably had. He clenched his eyes tight, willing them to recover faster. It wouldn't do Roan any good to be blind and up against the unknown. The latter was quite enough fun on its own.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - Tindome - 08-17-2015

    If the talking was helping in keeping it calm, xe certainly couldn't tell. Xe hadn't seen any signs of whatever behavior had lead to that dangerous flag. They did very funny things with their face, though, for someone whose head was made of bones.

    Uala recoiled as a very strange sound came from somewhere in the middle of… stuff. Xe hadn't figured out all of the anatomy, yet. Xe was working on it. That sounded like they were going to try and eat xem, though. The vigor with which they drank the offered water helped clarify matters, tossing away the pouch when it was empty. «Was that a hungry sound?» xe wondered, because this would not be the first specimen whose stomach made those kinds of noises. «They didn't water you, they didn't feed you... interns.» The way xe said this last sounded a lot like lohn, if it was said by a piano being sat on by a cat at its far left.

    Xe set down the light, chirping a giggle at the extra-grumpy way they sounded as they flinched away from the light. «No no no,» xe said gently, «let me see.» A covered tentacle cupped their face to turn it back towards xem, another tugging an eyelid open briefly before letting it be. «I'm sorry,» xe said, «that must not have seemed very nice.» Xe rubbed curiously then at the not-very-fluffy hair on their face. «Why is your face so rough?» xe wondered. «What possible purpose could that serve?» Xe patted the hair atop their head again. «I like this much better. The fluffy fluff.»

    Uala reached back into the cart to retrieve... a stick. A science stick. «Here, see?» xe said, holding it up so they could see and prodding it against one of xyr tentacles. «It isn't sharp. You don't need to worry. I think you might bite me if I stick one of these in your mouth.» Xe wiggled a tentacle in a gesture they almost certainly would not understand. The four tentacles beneath xem and the membranes between all pulled close to make xem thinner and taller, almost the illusion of legs beneath silk as xe bent forward for a closer look. Tentacles held their jaw again as they used it like a tongue depressor, looking at those teeth. Xe'd expected... well, more fangs, honestly. Omnivorous actually complicated matters. «This doesn't tell me anything about what I'm supposed to feed you!» xe buzzed, disconsolate.

    «I'll just ask for some of Laulau's samples,» xe decided, withdrawing from them and setting down everything but the bracer control. Xyr tentacles relaxed down to xyr shorter height, and xe went to the comm on the other side of the room to ping the other lab.

    «Laulau,» xe said into the mic, the scale of xyr voice closer to the Phrygian mode. «I need some of your samples from the latest mission.» Xe waited with an impatient buzz for the response, swaying a little in a fidget.

    «What samples?» was not the response xe'd been hoping for.

    «The ones that came in this morning?» xe said, the blue of xyr skin tinting toward purple in confusion and displeasure.

    «I didn't get anything new this morning. Did you get something new this morning?»

    Oh. Oh, no. «I must have been mistaken,» xe said quickly, erring on the side of caution.

    «Ah.» Xe could hear the mingling curiosity and understanding coming through the speaker. «The Ship Knows,» the other recited.

    «The Ship Provides,» xe parroted back, much faster than xe was supposed to as xe smacked the button to turn off the comm. Xe'd gone a very bright purple, cephalic tentacles uncoiling enough to look alarmed.

    This specimen was special. And dangerous. And the only one. Nothing else from the planet where it had been retrieved, not even food.

    «This is fine,» xe said in a high g. «Everything is fine. The only notes were from interns. Right?» Xe went back to the datapad, silk fluttering with speed. Xe scrolled through everything again, looking at xyr specimen and then back at the pad. «Right. So. This is fine.» Xe set the datapad down so delicately it was as if xe thought it would explode.

    «Keph like fruit, right?» xe suggested, trying to get back to c-sharp major and fix xyr color. «I'll get some fruit.» There was a sort of food storage under one of the counters, though it didn't contain anything xe could eat. There was irony in that, xe thought. Xe had to bend down to get into it, which actually consisted more of looking like xe was melting, suddenly very short and wide. Xe grabbed a variety of things, because xe might as well; feed grown on the ship and leftover samples. Xe looked suspiciously at something lumpy and brown and soft. «Is this still good?» A cephalic tentacle tentatively uncurled to prod it with a sucker. Immediately xyr tentacles flared as xe recoiled, turning orange at the tips as xe made a face. «Ew ew ew, no, very bad.» Xe rubbed at the tentacle that had touched it as they curled back up, tossing it out and shuddering like kicked gelatin. Xe stood back up and returned to the side of xyr hungry charge with a platter, hesitating.

    «Okay,» xe decided, «I'll try this. I'm trusting you, okay? If you throw this at me I will be very upset, and disappointed in you. So don't.» Xe briefly went very tall again in a way that xe hoped was intimidating, before returning to equilibrium to set the platter on their lap. Xe took a step back just to be safe, and slowly deactivated the wrist restraints. Xe turned a little purple again as xe did it, limbs all coiled tight against one another with anxious tension.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - danixiewrites - 08-18-2015

Roan startled at the sudden blat of sound that came from his curious host. Host, yes. That's a much better word than captor...or warden. His eyes narrowed at the changes in tone. Anger? At him? Had he not been supposed to drink? He was frowning again, but it dissolved into a shocked parting of his lips as he found his attempt at eye function recovery rebuffed.

What seemed to be amusement at his expense emanated from xem before his head was tugged back to front and center. Xe was fast with xyr tentacles, and Roan jerked his head back hard when one invaded his eyelid-space. It stung, in all likelihood more than it would have if he'd just sat still for xyr but there'd been no warning and how was he to know what xe had planned? Roan began, "What--!?" then stopped. He didn't need to finish the question; he realized the answer as xyr tentacles moved on. Exploring. There was a lot of exploring of his head just now, shaping his face and scrubbing at his untrimmed facial hair and...petting him again.

Okay. Maybe not exploring, but trying to comfort him in the aftermath of the eyelid prod. "I'm fine, thank you," he said, trying to sound placating, just in case his tonal assumptions worked both ways. "It was my fault; I won't move next time."

As if his muscles heard him and decided to disobey, his calves and quads flexed, straining against the cuffs. Reflex, self-defense--both useless. He blew out a harsh breath.

Xe waved a small rod at him next, not a scanner or another light, and he was afraid to ask where xe planned to put it. Not like there'd be a point. But there's got to be some way... He watched the waving motions with interest, wondering what they were supposed to represent and if they were at all supposed to provide additional clarification of xyr words. Stick to tentacle: This is what's next. Obviously. Waving appendage equivalent: For...your...arm?

Stars, please tell me it's just some reflex test...

Except he'd mistranslated it completely, and xe was rising over him instead, descending upon his mouth with xyr imposing reach. Roan fought his instinct to flinch this time, tightening his control as xe held his face between tentacles that seemed to be able to reshape around xyr entire body at will. He didn't want a repeat of the eyelid incident and yet...he didn't trust this wouldn't go horribly wrong. When xe left his jaw hanging open with a series of disappointed sounds, he couldn't help but feel this whole thing was a test he was failing. Miserably.

Slowly, he closed his mouth. The feeling amplified as xe seemed to grow more and more agitated during xyr conversation over some kind of comm system. Roan squinted a bit, brown eyes focusing hard on the alien across the room. He tucked his head forward to be sure it wasn't a trick of the overhead lighting, but yes. Xe changed color. It was an odd thing to note but note he did--wasn't like he was going anywhere anytime soon and whoever was on the other end of the line probably didn't speak Standard either. He didn't need two of them in here, so he remained silent.

Just not immobile. His muscles flexed again, his arms this time, and he shook his head in frustration. The bun atop his head tumbled loose and hair flopped further over his shoulders.


He couldn't fix it or reach anything to help him escape either, didn't think any of it would be worth it even had he been able to move. Unable to do more than tap his fingers against the pod beneath him, he reconsidered how he'd come to his current predicament. Chasing glimpses. Taxi...he hadn't made it to wherever that taxi had been supposed to go. Something had gone wrong...something bright and flashy...he almost had it but paused as sounds, nearly squawking, came from his host. They made him cock his head once more and put a furrow in his brow.

"Is everything okay?" he asked rather loudly while xe was across the room. If it wasn't, would someone hear and come to xyr aid? It was very un-Protector-like to be stuck in one place and not helping. But in the end no one came, and xe was returning with another tray.

Once xe came close enough for him to get a good look at its contents, Roan smiled again. Mouth closed, no teeth. Check. But I'm definitely going to have to show teeth to attempt to eat those.

Before he could wonder if he'd be fed or have use of his hands, the tray was settled across his thighs and the weight forcing his limbs still lifted from his arms. "Oh, wonderful!" he exclaimed as he slowly lifted them to stretch, shaking out his wrists in painstakingly careful movements. "Thank you."

Xe looked agitated again, violet, like xe had over by the comms. As Roan didn't know what to do to fix it or reassure xem, he picked up a round, red thing that wasn't an apple but seemed as good a place to start as any. It didn't do funny things to his skin, so that was promising. Stars, I'm starving. Seriously, what time is it? What DAY is it? Questions absolutely secondary to: Is xyr food edible to humans?

Only one way to find out.
Roan tested the skin with a blunt fingernail, bright purple juice exploding onto the tray from a single nick to the rind. Iiiinteresting.

Juice of a shade he'd never seen in his food--anywhere--ran down his thumb and palm. It didn't hurt but seemed like it might stain so he brought his hand up to lick it from his skin. Testing, testing: Is this poison? Bottom's up... Sweet burst over his tastebuds like he'd bitten into an ice cream sundae.

Delicious didn't begin to describe it, but he had to wait. Without a definite way to know that xyr food wouldn't kill him, Roan planned to test it like he would on the ground. So he wouldn't swallow until he'd determined if anything was going to go numb or swell up or change colors...then he'd do the same for a tiny bit of skin and a tiny bit of pulp. And then he'd wait to make sure more wouldn't make him keel over on the pod or eject his stomach contents all over the room. When faced with a plate of food and a stomach growling even louder his plan brought a soft growl to the back of his throat. It felt like testing food safely would take an extraordinary amount of time. Roan wondered if he'd lose patience and toss his training to the wind...or if xe would even have the patience to wait him out.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - Tindome - 08-18-2015

    Xyr relief was palpable as their movements remained slow and measured, and xe was getting better at interpreting the tone of those sounds. Xe hummed as xyr tentacles went briefly limp before curling back where they belonged, returning to the blue that xe'd chosen to keep xyr charge comfortable. Xe watched curiously as they licked their hand – what a very short tongue – taking their time eating the fruit. Maybe not as hungry as xe'd thought? Or else they were being careful, which would be very smart indeed.

    Was xe imagining that they looked different?

    «Oh!» Xe came closer again as xe realized what it was, standing tall and leaning to the side of them to look at the back of their head. «The… the lumpy bit? Oh, how did that happen? I wasn't paying attention! I missed it!» Gloved tentacles attempted to gather up the hair again, but of course it immediately collapsed once more. «It's so long,» xe marveled, doing it again just to be sure.

    … xe was just playing with their hair now.

    "A la u'a," I'm sorry xe chirped, flushing pale green around the eyes again, covering xyr face before retreating enough to retrieve xyr scanner.

    Xe deliberated before deciding to sit down beside them, doing so slowly to avoid alarm. Xe pulled xyr tentacles up off the floor to gather them beneath xem as was comfortable, tucking the ends of xyr white silk panels underneath for good measure. Xe was unaware that xe looked a little like a novelty pincushion. They made a little growling sound, but this time it was in their throat – definitely, actually a growl. «It's okay,» xe assured them, still trying to move slowly now that their arms were free. Xe held up the scanner just a short distance from their neck, because that seemed… relatively safe? Then xe squinted at the display.

    It was always so darn bright in here. And dry. The things xe did to make xyr specimens comfortable.

    «Lots of… iron? Are you supposed to have that much iron in your blood? That seems dangerous. No chromatophores at all, your planet must be very brown. Oh! I wonder if I can check… which one is it? Estrogen? Oh. No, it looks like… testosterone? You're a boy! This says you're a boy. That means you can only be a father, and not a mother, right? Good call. I'd rather be neither, personally, but we all have to die eventually, I guess.» A cephalic tentacle had found its way into xyr mouth as xe pulled the scanner away from him, looking closer at the screen. «And you're… homeothermic? But that seems…»

    Uala set the scanner down, and slowly risked touching some of his skin while he ate. Hopefully he wouldn't be too protective of his fruit. Xe ran tentacles over his chest and his shoulders, and one wrapped around his upper arm, squeezing a little. «Your bones are… oh, they're way down there. But this isn't… this can't all be muscles. It can't be. That would just be…» Xe prodded at his abdominals, incredulous. «Absurd.» Xyr tentacles withdrew from him again, but did poke at his shoulder experimentally. «Where's all your fat? How much do you eat?» The caloric intake required to maintain that much muscle and heat must have been huge. That meant he probably ate mostly meat. And he'd have to get new meat all the time, because he wasn't storing any of it away in fat for later. «Your planet,» xe decided, «must be terrifying.»

    Xe continued biting anxiously at that tentacle before pulling it out of xyr mouth with the others, pushing it back where it belonged. «Don't tell anyone,» xe said finally, «but I think you might be an actual, proper alien. I mean, all of my specimens are aliens, but they're not… I don't know. Maybe that's why you're a secret?»

    But someone would have told xem, wouldn't they have, if xe was poking at a person. He would have tried to talk to her. Unless he was already trying to talk to xem. He made a lot of sounds that xe simply couldn't, quite frankly, and none of them sounded like language. Xyr own language consisted mostly of vowels distinguished in meaning by pitch. He just sort of made a lot of weird mouth sounds and barely varied pitch at all.

    Experimentally, xe pointed at xyrself. "U-a-la," xe said slowly, emphasizing the pitch like xe was trying to teach him to sing. «Can you say Uala? I have a very easy name, if you can talk. Uala.»

Intelligent Life [Closed] - danixiewrites - 08-18-2015

Roan froze, the bit of pulp on his finger halfway to his mouth when xe rose over him again. What now? The stick again? He hadn't seen the implement, but maybe xe was keen to prod his tongue again now that he'd sampled some of the fruit. No...that would be less in the department of a simple checkup and more in the vein of experimentation.

So surely not that.

Reassured by his conclusion as xyr tentacles seemed entirely preoccupied by fussing with his hair, Roan smiled and continued his own experiment--a nibble of ice cream that wasn't ice cream. He rolled it around the inside of his cheeks to test for numbness as xyr color changed slightly again and xyr tentacles covered xyr face.

What does that mean? Distress? Is long hair troubling? Quite possibly...xe has none. Maybe it's confusion? Horror? "What is this terrifying head-covering you've acquired?" His hands were free and his fingers twitched for a moment as he wondered if reaching for xyr tentacles to pull them away from xyr face would be considered aggressive rather than comforting. Best not to risk it. But he would risk a fuller bite now, because it seemed to be fine on contact and mixed with spit, and that meant it was time to test its merit against stomach acid.

Whatever was wrong, xe seemed to recover, floofing down beside him like a dainty cartoon ghost. Roan gave xem a sidelong glance. Definitely something in xyr tentacles this time, and it didn't seem like more hair-fretting was the goal. He lifted the juice-filled fruit to his lips as he watched and more sounds than he'd heard emanate from xem thus far came from his side. Sort of like xe had taken a windchime and shaken it about. More words he couldn't understand, but at least they sounded good and not ominous.

"Might I see?" he asked, wondering what he'd triggered up on the display that was so interesting. He didn't really expect an answer; didn't get one. But xe did put the device on the pod's top.

Progress? Progress! His empty hand was halfway to the device when he was suddenly engulfed by plastic-covered, wriggling limbs. Lips parting in surprise, Roan jerked his hand back and found his bicep encircled. "Er," he said, the inarticulate rebuff quiet because he didn't want to startle xem and wind up crushed under xyr strong grip. Additional words gurgled in the back of his throat, half-laugh, half-groan as the poking over his empty stomach both tickled and reminded him he was getting rather desperate to consume the food in his other hand. He took another bite to smother his unease, taking comfort in the knowledge that xe could have harmed him bodily, like a half-dozen snakes crushing their victim, but hadn't.

If xe had been human, the whole endeavor would leave him feeling objectified. As it was, he chuckled, revisiting his exploration theory as he rubbed his palm over his abs where the poking had been the most concentrated. Was it possible he wasn't alone in the alien species lack-of-recognition department? Cocking his head toward xem, he said with amusement riding his voice, "Done already?" He lifted his hand and swept it toward his legs, frowning as his pants had shifted enough to show the bands that kept him seated. "There's more of me."

He took a heartier bite this time, not feeling any foul effects from the food--although there could be hours to go in the full food-not-poison-or-maybe-is confirmation cycle. It was about as smart as taunting one's host. Regardless of whether or not said host could understand. He was chewing and savoring the strange conjuring of ice cream comparisons playing over his tongue when xe began repeating sounds.

Over and over, the same three bright tones, like musical notes falling between them. He eyed the tentacle aimed toward xem. Ah! Standard protocol! At last! A name! Maybe! Roan swallowed, nodded, then hummed the tones back first because it seemed to be the more important consideration. They came out an octave lower and hopefully in tune. He didn't have much cause for pitch practice unless a night trawling pubs got out rowdy. (Maybe he just didn't sing unless drunk? He'd never really thought about it before.) Next came the shape of the sounds themselves. "Ulala," he attempted, sounds and tones in the wrong order. He shook his head. On his next attempt he thought it was much closer and he grinned. "Oh, this is definitely progress. Excellent! Nice to meet you, Ula--" and a short huff of irritation cut himself off before he hauled on the reins of his own enthusiasm. "U-a-la."

Next, he thumped his chest and drawled out, "Rrr. Oh. Uhn." The important parts of his own name. Repeating it multiple times, he continuing pointing to himself. Textbook encounter scenario. He should have thought of that first; they'd be so much closer to him getting his 'how do I leave' question out in the open. "Row. Uhn. Roan."

Intelligent Life [Closed] - Tindome - 08-18-2015

    Xyr upper body stretched out a bit as xe looked down to where he was gesturing. «Oh, no, I'm not turning those off yet,» xe said, misunderstanding. «You've been very good, so far, but I think all your important organs are up here.» Not that xe'd know for sure until xe could get more in-depth, but xe'd have to wait on that. Once xe'd convinced him he was safe, then xe could go bringing out the needles. Wouldn't want a misunderstanding.

    Quite pleased that he'd started eating in earnest, one of the longer tentacles on the back of xyr head uncoiled. «This isn't going to be very sanitary,» xe admitted, before gently pressing a sensitive sucker against the skin of his shoulder. Again xe flushed green, with a little orange at the tip of the tendril touching him. «You smell terrible,» xe informed him with some dismay. That wasn't the point of what xe was doing, but xe thought xe ought to let him know. Even if he had no idea what xe was saying. «Didn't they bathe you? Is this normal for you?»

    Unfortunately for Roan, the concept of sweating was foreign to xem, and he had no real way to defend himself. Fortunately for Roan, he did not actually understand exactly how much xe was talking to xyrself.

    Xe pulled the tentacle away and tried closer to his neck, and then lower on his chest, until xe found the source of his pulse. «There's a heart!» xe said, triumphant. Xe tried lower, but only found more gurgling noises. Doing the same thing along his spine only found the same source as before. «Do you… only have one?» Uala was appalled. «But you're so big! That can't be enough.» Xe buzzed, because clearly xe wasn't going to be able to determine anything useful from a basic physical. Xe stretched out a tentacle to grab a small towel from the cart, scrubbing furiously at the tentacle that had touched him.

    Xe chirped abruptly in surprised laughter as he said something that sounded less like xyr name and more like sad crab. Xe didn't want to discourage him, so a tentacle covered xyr mouth. The next attempt was closer, but was actually the name of the fruit he was holding. What a terrible mistake that would be. Not that he was likely to ever talk to anyone. He did manage to get it right, but only after baring his teeth again. Maybe that meant something different than xe thought?

    Xe was taken aback as he thumped his chest, and immediately xe took his hand in two tentacles to put a stop to it, patting his chest gently as if that would make it better. He only had one heart! What if it was delicate! Dangerous! Now he was trying to say something in return, though, and it seemed to start with… growling? So much growling! No wonder the interns thought he was dangerous. He was a muscle man from angry planet. "Own," xe tried in a b-note, which xe could already tell was wrong. "Loan," was xyr second attempt, and that almost startled xem. "Lohn?" Xe buzzed. «If your name is Intern I am going to be very upset.» That did give xem an idea. Xe tried starting his name by buzzing instead of actually making a sound with xyr mouth, and that seemed much closer. "Roan," xe sang, and the buzzing made it sound like xe was rolling the R.

    «You can definitely talk, then.» Xe hesitated. «I don't actually know what to do with this information. I've never had a talking specimen before. This is actually kind of really awkward?» Xe looked down at the tray of offered food, then tilted xyr head further, down to where he'd gestured before. "Ah. Ah!" Xe pinged in surprise as the tentacles beneath xem uncurled and slid down the pod, the rest of xem following to sit on the floor. Distracted by new information, xe'd left the remote beside the scanner where xe was no longer sitting. «I see what you meant, now! Oh, I can't believe I missed it.» Xe pulled the hem of one pant leg higher, tilting xyr head to the side. «You're wearing clothes! I just thought you were… I don't know! These were the least weird looking part of you. You've got separate bits for each leg! You weren't supposed to be wearing things. Did those interns do anything?»

    Gloved tentacles slid up and around his legs, but didn't make it far – they weren't that long, after all. «But why are these your only clothes? They're just your legs.» Xe rose a little higher, attempting to navigate around his limbs and his tray to slide a tentacle into his waistband. Xe tugged at it experimentally, surprised when it stretched. «How does it do that! Mine doesn't do that!» Xe pinged again, surely a familiar sound by now. «Is this where your other heart is? I knew you couldn't have just one!»

    Fortunately for the both of them, the tentacle attempting to explore what exactly was going on under his pants was a gloved one.

Intelligent Life [Closed] - danixiewrites - 08-19-2015

Despite his amused invitation for xem to continue the touching, Roan was quite relieved that the sliding grasps and momentary bouts of suction were over. Moving on to establishing grounds of communication was a much more productive use of xyr time if xe wanted information, anyway.

He chuckled again as xe grabbed his hand, presumably to keep him from hurting himself as xe then patted his chest as if making sure it was intact. He took one last juice-laden bite and set his fruit down so he could continue pointing at himself with his other hand. When xe finally got his name right, he grinned. "Yes! Roan. Now let's try...hey wait, what are you doing?"

Xe had lapsed back into a cacophony of pleasing sounds again, but suddenly slipped away from him and flattened toward the floor like xe had done before returning with the fruit. That wasn't alarming, just a little frustrating, since he'd hoped to find some kind of common ground. No, what was alarming was that the touching had returned. Resuming just above the cuffs and pushing aside the airy fabric of his pants, xe felt around his skin once more, as if xe had just registered his offer and decided to take him up on it.

Oh--well maybe xe is just undoing the cuffs. Maybe I don't have to ask, now that we've been introduced. Why xe hadn't started with his easier to reach wrists was simple enough to explain, given that he was presently using them to eat. This was definitely not what was occurring. Sadly, even if he'd realized xyr intent, he had no way of preventing it.

"Oh no. Really, you don't have to--" Roan tried to move away as they slithered upward and he groaned when the cuffs still held him down. Dark eyes widened dramatically as xyr tentacles prodded at his waist and started to pull at the fabric. "Whoa, wait!"

Certainly not the kind of physical he'd signed up for. Not that he'd actually signed up for anything, and not that he still could convince himself this was a typical workup for some health checkup before throwing him in gen pop.

These panicked thoughts didn't go far as he was far more consumed by action. Juggling the tray and trying to block a wriggling tentacle from delving any deeper and wishing VERY hard that meditation pants didn't also mean commando. Roan finally shoved the food onto the pod and pushed in earnest with his palms. He had to get away, but was somewhat hindered by his higher priority attempt not to hurt xem and cause some sort of intergalactic incident. "Nonono...wait. Honestly, I'm perfectly healthy. There's no reason to examine--"

Plastic made some things very difficult to grab and he rocked backward as he failed to remove the probing limb. Both palms braced behind him on the pod, the left encountering something hard and lumpy that depressed under his fingers. With a jolt, the cuffs deactivated. Roan yelped as his attempts to wrench away finally yielded results, sending him toppled sideways off the pod and still tangled in xyr curiosity.