Grande Canal Pub [Open] - Printable Version

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Grande Canal Pub [Open] - euphoricvoodoo - 03-25-2015

Lis huffed at the other man who didn't seem to be making up his mind and smiled at the approach of another person. "Just let me know when you've come to a decision then," She said as she walked down to where a familiar blue-haired man had put his coppers down. Their inventory was considered as well as the coin. They'd certainly had some cheap drinks in here over the years but the stock was never certain. Drunks had bad taste after all. The elvish attempt at beer was more akin to fruit juice than any proper brew should be but it was cheap. They should still have some as well.

A quick check over her shoulder confirmed her suspicions and she pushed back a few coppers. "Coming right up then." She palmed the remaining coins to deposit them with the rest of the day's take. It would be full up by the end of the night but it looked a bit slim so far. She grabbed a portion of the day old and poured out a glass of the beer. Both were deposited in front of him with a grin. "As for a job. Well anyone will be hiring. There's always more parties than folks to play at them and if you're quick you can jump into a spot at some of the good ones. The rich folk are always too impatient to wait anyway. Course I suppose that depends on how well you play what you do."

Grande Canal Pub [Open] - Kat - 04-22-2015

Xeii felt that Gotris proved more interesting the longer she was able to spend in the Dwarf's company.

It was to be expected that the horned Elf might become fascinated with the other woman, especially considering the sizable differences between their appearances (cough), but Gotris also seemed to know a great deal of things Xeii knew little to nothing about. A reservoir, as a concept, was easy enough to wrap her mind around-- but her people certainly had nothing of the sort. When there was need for clean water, they found the rivers and streams running through the woods, and when they were hungry, they hunted and gathered their goods when dusk approached. Theirs was a life she would miss, as these low ceilings and magically imbued individuals were still foreign to the creature. Short women with beards were certainly unique to this trip as well, but Xeii was less thrown off by Gotris than the rest.

Perhaps that was why she had no qualms with her now-employer pumping the water for her. A wedge of soap would be found, and from it, the Elf slathered her fingers with the lard based substance so she could begin the likely long and arduous process of cleaning herself. Her touch wasn't as delicate as her appearance seemed to indicate. Rather, she was as rough against the coating of muck as she needed to be, clearing grime from parchment shaded skin while her soft orbs settled over the process.

Scrub, de-cake, moisten, scrub, rinse.

Tipped ears listened to see what the other woman may have to say, but upon hearing nothing for a moment or so, Xeii asked, "How did you come to live here? In this city? This tavern?" One would assume the Elf believed Gotris to be from elsewhere, though she was simply pulling at the questions she had idled over the past few moments. Whether her company wished to answer her had yet to be determined, but Xeii felt it harmless to ask. "How does one come to own a tavern? Did you build it yourself?"

Grande Canal Pub [Open] - bear - 05-05-2015

    The Blackbird had only recently come to Akvero. Places like this were often on his travel itinerary. They tended to be full of new stories to add to his reportoire, and the bard was fond of places like that. The thought brought a smile to rough lips as he carried himself forward. The town seemed very busy to him, with people milling about in a frenzy. He was unsure of the reason for such activity, but he presumed some kind of event was either taking place, or soon would be. Judging by the masks he noticed, it was probably some kind of festival. Still, nothing too out of the ordinary to the tall man in the long vest, and his blackened bare feet carried him along the canal until he spotted a place where he could get a room and some food and drink. The Grande Canal Pub. It wasn't exactly the most poetic name, but it held a charm all its own. The 'bard' decided this would be his respite for the near future. While he scoped out the town.

    He opened the door and entered, stopping just inside to take a quick survey of his surroundings. There was an individual with blue hair seated at the bar, and a woman with auburn hair who seemed to be serving a shift behind the bar. This was good for him, as it meant several good things for him. He approached, his smile small and tame, unlike the beard that nearly hid it.

    His features were not normal for this area. In fact, everything about this man screamed 'outsider.' His nose was hooked, and his skin was deeply tanned. His hair was black and wiry with age and travel. On his head, his hair was pulled brutally back into a ponytail that hung to his mid-back. It probably would have hung lower, if not for the elaborate braiding that had taken place. His beard was, at least, clean, and well groomed, despite its length placing it firmly at the level of his nipples. The vest hanging off his shoulders came to rest near his ankles when he was standing, and kept him warm with the fur on the inside. The black of the vest made it more apparent that the shirt beneath it was not the same color, instead being an incredibly dark purple. Perhaps more obviously were his sleeves. How they clung to his arms wasn't clear, but they were elaborate enough to be noteworthy, considering they appeared to be composed out of raven's feathers or crow's feathers or something similar. When his arms were at his sides, they hung below his fingertips and flared out widely. His scent was a smorgasbord of pungent spices, smoke, and pleasing incenses.

    He settled onto a stool at the bar, his smile slipping as he felt the wood beneath him. Recovering from that displeasure, he glanced over to the woman he'd noted earlier, leaning forward into the bar and resting his arms on its surface.

    "Miss? Could I get tea, a room, and some food with this?"

    His voice was clear, since he needed to get her attention, but it still held the remnants of a voicebox textured by smoking. It was gruff and deep. The voice was accompanied by the placement of a single, though hefty, silver coin with a round hole through it, near the top. On the top face was the profile of a man unknown in this area. The face against the table held the image of a man kneeling in prayer, hands resting on the cross-guard of a sword buried in the earth before him. Foreign currency, but, at the very least, it was silver.

Grande Canal Pub [Open] - euphoricvoodoo - 05-07-2015

A deep voice asking for room and dinner called her attention from the musician. Lis turned and raised an eyebrow as she looked him over. While foreigners weren't unusual around here, especially during the Masquerade, she hadn't seen too many of his ilk. It didn't particularly matter though where they came from when they were paying customers. He looked richer than she would expect to enter their corner of Akvero. From the feathers making up his sleeves, to the deep colors on his clothes, even the elaborate braiding of his hair said money. People did have their reasons she supposed. The lack of mask was the real oddity here. Did he not come in for the festival she wondered. Even those merchants coming in to sell usually wore masks to better fit in. Some how she suspected this man wasn't particularly concerned about sticking out.

Turning back to the blue-haired man she sketched a nod. Even if he probably wouldn't be spending much more tonight she couldn't be rude. He could very well find some pay with the advice she gave him. "Let me know if you need anything else. Oh and the good parties will be that way," She said with a finger jab toward the east. "They'll be starting soon if you wanted to jump in."

With a smile she bounced over to the stool by the new customer and picked up the coin. She examined it with interest. One interesting part of this work was seeing all the unique coinage people brought in. It was as obviously foreign as he was but silver was silver. If her estimations were right it had to be about the worth of three of their coins at least. "That will do it I believe. Let me go put a kettle on then. Just a moment."

Off the stools and through the door she went to the kitchen. Gotris would probably be in the tub room with the elf still if she thought right. She put a kettle on to boil before she knocked on the door. Attempting to respect the privacy of the tall woman she only opened the door enough to see Gotris. "Excuse me a moment. I just got a foreign coin asking for a room and dinner. Which room will it get him?"

Lis had enough of an understanding of how things went here that she thought she knew, but it was best to just ask the proprietress when it came to unusual currency. One day when most of her guesses were right she would stop asking. Just the other day she guessed wrong though so it wasn't today.

Grande Canal Pub [Open] - Tindome - 05-09-2015

    Gotris approved of Xeii's rough touch, disapproving as she did of filth. When the water had become a soup of muck, she pulled a lever to drain it, plugged the tub back up to add new water to rinse. Wasteful, some might say, but she'd never seen much point in a bath that left a person sitting in all the things they'd been trying to wash away. There was something about cities that made people forget the simplest things, from etiquette to the dangers of still water.

    It was a common enough question, how and why she came to live in Akvero. It did not prickle from her in the same way that it would have from a human, or even from a city elf. She considered the best way to answer it. "The mountain didn't agree with me," she said finally, though she did not specify whether she meant the climate, the people, or both. "This city suits me better."

    "As to the tavern..." Her nose twitched, an idle flicker of expression over her face that she had never outgrown. "I don't like working for other people," she said, which was putting it mildly. Any of her employees could attest to the fact that Gotris was something of a control freak.

    'It's not that I want things done my way,' she might say, 'it is that I want them done the right way.' The fact that she considered these two things to be universally identical went unsaid.

    "I bought the place from someone else," she said, "who'd bought it from someone else, and so on. Lots of folk realize too late this life's more work than they bargained for. It's fixed up as I like it, anyhow."

    Gotris raised an eyebrow when Lis poked her head in the room. The arrangement made it impossible to see the tub when the door was opened, and so the horned nymph's modesty was safe enough. Gotris came close to take the coin from Lis and inspect herself, weighing it in her hand and considering the design of it. Rather than leave it at that, she stepped far enough into the kitchen to get a view of the bar, of the foreigner who'd brought the coin.

    Ah. That ought to be fine, then.

    Foreigners were common, foreign coin less so. Coin this foreign might mean trouble. A traveler with enough coin that he didn't mind spending it, and yet had not spent it in any of the cities or towns between. That could mean a lot of things; someone too rich to be staying in her establishment for any good reason, or someone who'd been on the run. Thus why she'd needed to take a look at him first.

    His clothes might have marked him as fine, where he was from, but if they did they marked him as accustomed to a different kind of finery than the Akveran wealthy preferred. Certainly distinctive, regardless of class. So not trying to slum it, not trying to hide. No mask meant he wasn't a reveler, and that made things easier, too.

    "Second floor," she said, "Sixteen if he wants dinner, eleven if he doesn't." Twelve through fifteen sat right above the busy canal, and eleven was a corner that looked out to port. Noise, more than size, dictated the prices paid. The quietest room, that third story corner with stained glass in its arches, that was where Gotris made her home. A third story room cost a pretty penny indeed, on those rare occasions that she could be swayed to make them available.

    Rather than pocket the coin, she placed it back into Lis' palm. The message was clear: if he gives any trouble at all, he and his coin would be back on the street. She trusted Lis' judgment as to when a customer wasn't worth the trouble.

Grande Canal Pub [Open] - euphoricvoodoo - 05-22-2015

Lis nodded as the coin was placed back in her hand. It wasn't an uncommon state of affairs anymore to be trusted to make some decisions while Gotris was otherwise occupied. Not that knowing which customers ought not be in the Pub was terribly difficult. Mostly the decision came down whether they were likely to disturb the other customers or damage something. Occasionally there were other reasons but those were the big ones. The one man that decided to let his goat follow him in was an interesting case. Neither dwarf nor halfling were particularly welcoming to animals indoors.

She giggled briefly at the memory as she went back to the stove to start gathering the things for the tea. Generally they didn't get too many guests wanting tea instead of something alcoholic so they didn't go as far as some of the rich might. A simple green glazed teapot, a matching cup, a strainer and a small bowl of honey was as fancy as the Pub got. The tea itself was a good blend of black tea that was the popular kind around Akvero. She knew there was mint in it from the smell but she didn't know what else flavored it. The kettle was kept warm so it didn't take too long for it to finish boiling. She finished her preparations not long after and then was back to the bar with the small tray.

Lis grabbed the room key as she went by. "You'll be in room sixteen on the second floor," she said with a smile as she passed the key over and set the tray down to unload it. "Let me know when you would like dinner."

More people were beginning to flow into the building now. Butterfly themed masks seemed to be making a comeback and she spotted more than a few dragon themed ones. She may not wear masks but she did love observing the trends in them. Animal decorations were deemed gauche some years ago though she suspected that wouldn't last. It was nice being proven right. A bit of smugness drifted into her expression while she turned to put the tray down behind the bar. There wasn't really much time to dwell on it however as waitresses came up with drink orders. A few glasses of wine and a few ales were poured for one girl, a mead, a cider and a spiced wine for the next. Some of the older girls were able to find and pour their own drinks so the rush of orders were cleared relatively easily. All that was left was to wait for the next one.