Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Printable Version

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Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Kat - 11-18-2014


Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Kat - 11-19-2014

"And when you kill me, what do you have left? Memories? Will they be enough, knowing you have become what you hated so deeply for so long? Will they be too much?"
- Ocean, Even Death Will Die

General Characteristics

Name: Chance Rilo Arden
Appearance: Chance is tall for a female of 'human' appearance, but not intimidating in her height. Long blonde hair is part of her trademark appearance, as well as swirling blue hues, where the colors all move along the outside of her pupil. They never mesh, but instead seem layered, and move clockwise. She is considered well endowed with her figure, and uses this as one more advantage over the pining male (and female) population. Her beauty is considered supernatural, and cannot be compared to that of a human woman, because even at her worst, she would outshine the best. Without glamour, the addition of her skeletal wings would be somewhat disturbing, but her overall beauty only seems more intoxicating by contrast.

Her aura, however, is a ghastly, vile thing in shades of black and dark bruise blues. It bubbles and slurps and hisses like the filthiest toxic ooze, stalks of it often reach up from the ground and her lower body to snap and snarl alien heads at whatever is nearest. Serpentine servants that want nothing more than the safety of their host. Even when she is unglamoured, this caustic aura remains unseen, unless the viewer possesses the right 'true sight' or Auspex.
Symbol: <clicky>
Pronunciation: <chans, chahns> <ry-loh> <ahr-dn>
Name Origin: Chance's name comes from Chanceux Vereaux's immeasurable narcissism and lack of creativity.
Name Meaning: Fortuitous; accidental. The possibility of something happening.
Other Names: The Golden Devil, Satrap of the Crescent, Whore of the Abyss, The Cage.
Titles: Vereaux Heir of the second summer, satrap of the crescent glade, Scourge of the Umbra.
Alternate Forms: As the vessel of Loe, Chance's torso can split open to create a portal to the abyss. Beneath her glamour, she hides her hideous skeletal wings and her equally vile aura, which is comprised on the countless blind heads of the damned souls swallowed by the void.
Social Security Number: n/a
ID Number: n/a
Theme Song: Gods & Monsters
Zodiac: Leo

Personal Characteristics

Birth Date: August 5th
Birth Name: Chance Rilo Vereaux
Birth Place: The Vereaux Estates, Arcadia
Birth Weight: n/a
Birth Length: n/a
Manner of Birth: Creation within the Veil by Lucky (Chanceux) Vereaux, crafted in secret against the wishes of both Valgarv and Avaaro Orlone.
First Word(s): "Mother?"

Death Date: At the end of Ocean. <TBA>
Age at Death: 7100-ish
Death Place: <TBA>
Resting Place: Recycled in the Lae Lines.
Manner of Death: Micah Regal kills her. <Details TBA>
Last Words: "About fucking time."

Primary Objective: Chance, with the power of the parasitic abyssal entity Loe, is determined to find the Ocean key before Micah Regal in a dastardly plot to throw the universe into unimaginable turmoil.
Secondary Objectives: She seeks to break the barrier between the Abyss and the Fleshlands, unleashing the Great Old Ones into the reality of mankind.
Priorities: Power is the most important factor in the many schemes Chance concocts, as she must remain at the top of the food chain to ensure there is nothing standing between herself and her goals.
Motivation: Subconsciously, Chance works to both impress Loe and bring glory to her lineage, despite being stripped of most ties connecting her to the Vereaux clan and Arcadia.
Accomplishments: Chance has reached second evolution, though the act was corrupted by the parasite Loe, contorting her presence into that unlike other Fae. She is, in essence, an anomaly - no longer welcome beyond the Dreaming.
Greatest Achievement: The destruction of Barce, United Terran Federation colony, by casting the entirety of the station into the void (Obtenebration 10 bitches).
Failures: Besides becoming a host body to an ancient evil, Chance couldn't stop the death of her mate, Eneru. Now Loe reflects these insecurities by taking the shape of her deceased lover as it's appearance refines.
Biggest Failure: Inevitably, it will be dying to Micah Regal.
Self-Confidence: There is no confidence quite like that which Chance feels about herself. Cocky is a polite way to put it.
Traumas: While the villain in most cases, Chance is also very much the victim, having suffered great hardships and struggles through the many years of her existence.
Afflictions: Host to the abyssal entity Loe; also mentally unstable. Her physical body is scattered, and the fragmentation of her being seems to make her actions volatile, and at times, caustic to herself and those around her. Trying to contain so much power without the means of accessing Arcadia makes Chance a ticking time bomb, unstable and struggling to keep the metaphysical essence attached to the physical body.
Embarrassments: The initial cause of her evolution was due to a forced sexual encounter by a Vampire, who left her to die when he was finished. Prior to this, Chance had been a puppet for Kayen Vereaux, who did as much was in his power to torment her. Chance has been beaten in very few important struggles, though once was forced to flee by Marquee Morandori, who wanted a union between the two clans. Chance was captured by a corporation on Beauccarea and tested, though Loe saved her from their attempts to remove the entity from her person.
Worries: Chance worries that as her power becomes unstable, she will be lost to Loe's demands. Their contract ensures Loe keeps her alive in exchange for a host body, but should she die, she will be absorbed into the void by Loe.
Soothers: Chance is calmed by Loe on most occasions, using It's muted emotional state to quell her heightened senses.
Instigators: Anyone who brings up house and clan is liable to earn a reaction from the Fae. She is also extremely anti-heroics, and will put the kibosh on whomever tries to ruin her fun in the name of 'good'. Decency isn't something Chance appreciates or reciprocates, unless trying to get close to her target. Chance is a liar in the ways she is allowed to be, but hates other liars, and discourages contract/oath breaking.

Earliest Memory: Creation in the Dreaming.
Fondest Memory: The Creation of Kismet and Providence.
Worst Memory: The loss of Eneru.
Favorite Dream: Any dream is a good dream, as it shows her ties to the Dreaming aren't completely severed.
Worst Nightmare: Succumbing to the Abyss.

Desires: Chance desires a seat amongst the ancients of the abyss, believing she has earned the right.
Wishes: Chance wishes she could return to a time before the present, though knows there is no way to return to a life without Loe.
Regrets: Previously explained, she regrets not being able to save Eneru.
- Chance's real father is Valgarv, making only part of the essence used in her creation Fae based.
- Chance is actually the creature who killed Cheswick Strider's Wendigo tribe.
- Chance is the real reason Fortune is abducted by Zeno Ralin.
- Chance is the one who warped Basque Morandori's mind to take pleasure in harming women.
- Chance killed Errol Capland's father.
- Chance sabotaged Ziggy Stardust's show so the flesh golem present rampaged through the onlookers, ruining the magician's career.
- Chance fed Artemis Arden to Bajazet Valencoste.
- Chance broke contracts with, but not limited to, Fortune Vereaux, Eneru Killian, Des Arden, Lauri Arden, Reii ?, Nathan ?, Dakota Smith, etc.
Confidantes: Loe, and on occasion, Rufio Caydence and whomever her Arden watcher happens to be at the time.
Soft Spots: Chance has a soft spot for cats.
Cruel Streaks: Chance, while thoroughly obsessed with humanity, considers them her personal playthings and does what she feels like with humans, which typically involves fucking and eating them.

Musical Instrument: n/a
Quirks: Chance couldn't read for the better part of her life, having no real need to do so.
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous.
Catchphrase: "If you play with fire, you're going to get burned."
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Mental Characteristics

IQ: 129 (well above average)
Known Languages: Languages originating from humanity, all. On a universal scale, a fair amount.
Lures: Humanity, and through them, dreams.
Manias: Agateomania, which is pretty encompassing.
Memory: Eidetic memory.
Phobias: Asthenophobia; a general fear of being vulnerable.
Savvies: Linguistics are a strong point, as is their heightened presence and charisma. Their appearance is meant to be used as a weapon, and appeals to many, if not most, humanoids on a supernatual level.
Ineptities: Emotions. Fae are not truly emotional beings, instead only really capable of logical conclusions and reactions to those. What emotions they show are learned habits, mockeries and unintentional dishonesties.
Temperament: Phlegmatic, though at times, Sanguine.
Hobbies: Killing, eating, people watching, fucking, causing chaos and unrest.
Pet Peeves: Anyone with a spine, anyone willing to argue with her, heroes and heroic acts.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical-Mathematical: Savant.
Spatial: Savant.
Linguistic: Savant.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: Savant.
Musical: Savant.
Interpersonal: Mediorcre. On the surface, she seems incredibly well attuned to those in her presence, but as time progresses, her apathy towards others becomes apparent. Sometimes she understands, and doesn't care. Sometimes, she incapable of understanding the human condition.
Intrapersonal: This depends on whether or not Loe is included in what would been considered 'self'.
Naturalistic: Savant.
Existential: Depends on the situation-- Mostly on the level of metaphysicality, and the variety of the phenomena. The factors present might be more than she can comprehend. Everyone has a limit.

Philosophical Characteristics

Morality: Chance has no real alignment, though most of her outward actions indicate a lack of human borne morality. What she deems as right and wrong isn't necessarily similar to the human standard.
Etiquette: Chance's morality (or lack thereof) is shown through various acts of violence. She kills indiscriminately.
Attitude: Chance has a cool, calm demeanor much of the time. She comes off as fun, carefree, and a bit promiscuous. Her affections are earned, though the threshold is low. Lower still is her tolerance for others. It's a slippery slope.
Outlook on Life: It's a bleak, though incredibly indulgent, outlook. Until her end comes, she chooses to live life to it's fullest-- without rules, without regrets.
Perception: Realistically, though with a Sadistic edge. To the victor goes the spoils. The rest deserve what they receive.
Standpoint: Chance sees herself as the apex predator, and her standpoint is that of the conqueror. The dominator. The Queen.
Philosophy: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
Political Party: Vereaux.
Taboos: Never, ever would Chance sexually use or exploit a child. As wicked and cruel as she may be, children are off limits in this regard.

Spiritual Characteristics

Animal: A viper.
Religion: The Church of the Fallen.
Devotion: Loosely.
Superstitions: Chance has a strange fear of mating with shifters. Legend has it shifters can destroy a Fae within the Umbra, and she takes this very seriously.
Virtues: Diligence, Patience, and Justice.
Vices: Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Pride, Envy, Wrath, and Despair.

Supernatural Characteristics

Gifts of the Old Ones - A link with the parasitic entity within the vessel. The two creatures are bonded, thus the parasite will do everything in its power to keep it’s host body alive.
Obtenebration - The discipline which grants the user control over shadows and the supernatural darkness of the Abyss. Uses vary from travel through shadows via passages in the umbra, to summoning supernatural shadows to aid in conflict. Limitations are often thought to be the imagination of the user.
Glamour - The ability to mask, enhance or entirely change one’s appearance. Can be seen through with Auspex.
Potence - The discipline of supernatural physical strength. Allows the user to fight with ferocity and force beyond human limitations, as well as perform incredible feats of labor.
Celerity - The discipline of supernatural speed of movement. Allows the user to move at inhuman speeds far surpassing normal limitations.
Fortitude - The discipline of supernatural endurance and resistance. Makes the user more hearty and durable.
Presence - The discipline of supernatural charm and attraction. Allows the user to exert their natural charisma and personality at a supernatural level, to enhance it to bring out feelings of loyalty or fear from those around them. Also protects the user from forms of domination and mind control.
Auspex - The discipline of supernatural senses and extended perception. Allows users to pick up on emotions and character subtlety, as well as see auras and 'true forms'.
Element: Abyssal Energy.

Immunities: Anything with Abyssal energy. The energy will be absorbed, or in some cases, negated.
Futilities: Chance has no power over abyssal users in the same way they have no power over her. It's a stalemate.
Restrictions: While Chance's power is ever changing, and grows over time, her need for fuel sources grows with it. That being said, she has to consume humans. Also, when she does finally die, her soul is tethered to the abyss by Loe, and she will be trapped in limbo for the remainder of eternity.
Origin: During Chance's first (and only) evolution, the pain was so great that she accepted aid from an abyssal monstrosity known only as Loe. They were grafted together to form the new and improved Chance Arden, but through the contract, the two were bound. Loe is the parasitic empowerment to Chance, and Chance is the body Loe can operate through. It's a symbiotic relationship that keeps both relatively safe from harm, and benefits each of their motives.
Source: The void. The abyss. The darkness of the dimensional rift. Chance's chest splits in twine to open a portal to the ether, and from it, she has master level control of the abyss.

Highs and Lows


Favorite Actor:
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Arts:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Country:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Excuse:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flavor:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Musical Genre:
Favorite Mythical Creature:
Favorite Number:
Favorite Pastime:
Favorite People:
Favorite Place:
Favorite Quote:
Favorite Restaurant:
Favorite Season:
Favorite Song:
Favorite Store:
Favorite Story Genre:
Favorite Subject:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Words:

Least Favorite Actor:
Least Favorite Animal:
Least Favorite Arts:
Least Favorite Band:
Least Favorite Book:
Least Favorite Color:
Least Favorite Country:
Least Favorite Drink:
Least Favorite Excuse:
Least Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Flavor:
Least Favorite Movie:
Least Favorite Musical Genre:
Least Favorite Mythical Creature:
Least Favorite Number:
Least Favorite Pastime:
Least Favorite People:
Least Favorite Place:
Least Favorite Quote:
Least Favorite Restaurant:
Least Favorite Season:
Least Favorite Song:
Least Favorite Store:
Least Favorite Story Genre:
Least Favorite Subject:
Least Favorite TV Show:
Least Favorite Words:


Accessories: (What non-clothing items does your character wear? Bracelets? Necklaces? Toe rings?)
Dress Style/Wardrobe: (How does your character commonly dress? Elegantly? Gothic? Mismatched?)
Equipment: (What equipment does your character carry with them? A gourd? A toolbox? A bag of hair?)
Most Prized Possession: (What item does your character have that holds the most personal value?)
Most Valuable Possession: What item does your character have that holds the most monetary value?)
Trinkets: (What items does your character carry that they aren't just for looks, but for more important reasons, such as the ability to use their power?)

Social Characteristics

Communication: (How does your character communicate with other people?)
Criminal Record: (What has your character done to break the law? Arson? Murder? Jaywalking?)
Discriminations: (What kind of stuff or people does your character discriminate against? Blacks? Aliens? Broccoli?)
Dominance: (How firmly does your character stand their ground over others? Extra firm? Submissively? Iron-fistedly?)
Ego: (How downright amazing does your character think they are? Ridiculously centric? In the wrong place? Superfluous?)
Emotional Stability: (How much emotional inflictions can your character take before they break? Lots? None at all? Negative amounts?)
Expression: (How does your character express themself? Through the clothes? By just saying it? By the pattern in which they play the harmonica?)
Humor: (What does your character think is funny? Blond jokes? Death? Farting?)
Liveliness: (How energetic is your character? Do they literally bounce off the walls? Do they do only what they have to do? Do they literally sleep for entire days?(
Mannerisms: (How does your character commonly act? Rude? Well-mannered? Creepy?)
Patience: (How long can your character wait for something or endure something that is annoying or stressful? Very patient? Impatient? Passive?)
Reputation: (How is your character viewed by their peers? Are they held in high esteem? Do they think he's pure stupid? Do they think he's an alien?)
Sociability: (How much does your character like to interact with other people? Is he super social? Is he a loner? Does he only like being around people who take a liking to the research behind the flight pattern of the sparrow?)
Status: (What is their social status? Quiet? Popular? Dead?)
Style: (How does your character act and dress? Gothic? Emo? Spocky?)


Compliments: (What kinds of things does your character say as a compliment? "I like your hair"? "I think you are super smart"? "My nipples are exploding with delight"?)
Insults: (What kind of things might your character say as an insult? "You are stupid and ugly and no one likes you"? "You wreak of the worst stench I have ever smelt"? "I once dreamt of a man so ugly that he had to hide from himself in the mirror, but you are uglier still"?)
Emotional Status: (What emotional state is your character most likely to be found in? Happy? Depressed? Lackadaisical?)
Expletives: (What words does your character use to express their anger? Swear words? Flan-diddily-anders speech? Obscure words?)
Mood: (What mood is your character most likely to be found in? Angry? Thoughtful? Speechless?)
State of Mind: (What state of mind is your character most likely to be found in? Surprise? Confusion? Constant denial?
Words: (What kinds of words does your character use in everyday speech? "Dude"? "dattebayo"? "Like a fox"?)
Farewells: (How does your character say goodbye to people? "Sayonara"? Waving? Lifting their shirt at them?)
Greetings: (How does your character commonly greet people? "Hello"? Handshake? Slap them in the face?)

School and Work

Average Grade: (What grades did your character get in school? A+? C-? Z?)
Degrees: (What college degrees does your character have? Bachelor's? Doctorate? None?)
Education: (How much education has your character received? Up to middle school? College graduate? Everything from elementary school to martial arts of every kind?)
Extracurricular: (What extracurricular activities did your character participate in? Baseball? Chess club? Ballerina?)
Graduating Year: (What year did your character graduate from high school? 1987? 2005? 1210 BC?
School: (What elementary, middle, high schools, and colleges and universities did your character go? Manzanita Elementary and North Valley High? Jerry Springer Private School? None?)
Special Education: (What education did your character receive that their peers didn't get a chance at? Special Ed? Honor Roll? Private Schooling?)
Study Habits: (How often does your character study and how thoroughly? Every free hour? Not at all? They have someone else study for them somehow?)

Association: (What company, group, or people does your character associate with? History, Inc.? The Marines? Mr. Pickles' Happy Hour?)
Boss: (What person or people is your character taking orders from or working for? Bill Gates? Admiral Hood? Mr. Pickles?)
Experience: (What experience has your character had that they might put on their resumé? 12 years of digital artwork? Killed a man? Guest starred 45 times in Oprah's talk show?)
Hours: (What hours does your character work if they work at all? 9am to 5pm (8 hours)? 8am to 3pm (7 hours?)? 8pm to 9pm and 11pm to 5am (1 and 6 hours)?
Days: (What days does your character work? All week (56 hours)? Weekdays (35 hours)? Tuesdays and Thursdays (14 hours)?
Learning Type: (Is your character a Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic learner?)
Occupation: (What does you character do for a living? Graphic design? Write books? Star as the buttmonkey in a kid's show?)
Rank: (How high in the hierarchy is your character? Production oversight? Captain of the ship? Minion of the dark lord?)
Work Ethic: (How well does your character think work should be done? Thoroughly and effectively? It just needs to get done? Do they shirk it all the time?)
Transportation: (How does your character get to and from their destinations? Supped up 4-wheel drive with a roll cage? Public transportation? Pogo stick?)


Class: (What class does your character identify under? Lower? Middle? Upper?)
Debt: (How much debt does your character have over their head? $500? 40000¥? OVER £9000?)
Dependents: (Who depends on your character for their monetary needs? Their children? Their parent(s)? Their half-sister's second cousin, twice removed?)
Funds: (How much money does your character have on them on average? $5? $500? $5000000?)
Income: (How much does your character make per hour and per year? $12/hour and $24000/year? $8/hour and $14000 a year? $75/hour and $52500/year?)

Intrapersonal Connections

Immediate Family: (Who are the relatives your character sees everyday or saw everyday growing up? Parents? Siblings? Children? Adopted parents?)
Close Relatives: (Who are the relatives of your character that are only separated by one degree of blood difference? Uncles? Grandparents? Grandchildren?)
Distant Relatives: (Who are the people your character is related to, but not at all closely? Grandparents-in-law? Great granduncle? Twenty-seventh cousin, 88 times removed?)
Ancestors: (Who are some important ancestors in your character's family? Their great great granduncle? Them in a past life? Alexander the Great?)

Acquaintances: (Who does your character associate with, but wouldn't consider a friend or an ally? A recurring character? A tag-along kid? That guy they talk to every other weekday whom they still don't know the name of?)
Allegiance: (Who or what organization does your character work under or fight for? Vendetta, Inc.? Reginald Bracegirdle? America?)
Allies: (Who or what company does your character and/or their company work with or fight alongside? Edgar Wicklow? McDonald's? The mafia?)
Enemies: (Who is it that your character is always fighting or that they have set out to destroy? The Man in Black? Wally Wickenshield? The entire naked mole rat species?)
Followers: (Who follows your character and is inspired by them or tries to copy them? That one annoying kid? Their friends? Their enemies?)
Friends: (Who does your character feel safe with and could trust in a time of need? Barry Barrington? Veridian City? The Laz Group?)
Heroes: (Who does your character look up to? Superman? Firemen? Hobos?)
Inspirations: (Who does your character get inspiration from and strive to be like? The Pope? Batman? Their best friend's cat?)
Pets: (What animals (or in some cases, people) does your character keep under their rule? A dog? A ferret? An alien?)
Rivals: (Who is your character on good terms with, but is constantly in direct competition with? Their best friend? Their bigger brother? The smart kid in class?)
Role Models: (Who was always there for their character and set them on the right path? Their father? Their sister? That French woman across the street?)
Subordinates: (Who does your character get to command around or get to pull rank on? The midshipmen? Their sidekick? Anyone they please?)




Signature Move:
Special Attack:
Summon Level:
Threat Level:

Physical Characteristics

Skin Color:
Height: in ( cm)
Weight: lbs ( kg)

Hat Size:
Shirt Size:
Waist Size:
Shoe Size:
Face Shape:
Hair Color:
Hair Length:
Hair Type: (Is your character's hair curly or straight?)
Hair Style:
Widow's Peak:
Facial Hair:
Ear Type:
Ear Shape:
Eye Type:
Eye Color:
Nose Shape:
Nose Color:
Teeth: (Carnivorous, omnivorous, herbivorous)
Chin Shape:
Fur Type:
Fur Length:
Fur Color:
Fur Designs:
Locomotion: (Plantigrade, digitigrade, or unguligrade)
Tail Type:
Tail Length:
Tail Color:
Tail Design:
Tail Girth:

Health and Fitness

Abnormalities: (Deformities and defects)
Aids: (Glasses, Wheelchairs, etc.)
Broken Bones:
Extra Anatomy: (Things that aren't typically seen in this species)
Reason for Health:

Blood Type:
Martial Arts:
Maximum Load: (What the most weight they can carry?)
Somatotype: (Mesomorphic, endomorphic, or ectomorphic)

Perceptive Characteristics


Sexual Characteristics

Gender Role:

Sex Life:
First Love:
Love Interests:
Marital Status:
Significant Other:

Residential Characteristics

Sleep Patterns: (What is their sleep schedule and how well do they stick with it? 10pm - 6am, often stays up late but never sleeps in? Midnight - 5am, never deviates? Half hour naps starting at 1 and 7 am and pm, commonly oversleeps during night hours?)

Vocal Characteristics

Accent/Dialect: (What kind of speech does your character often employ? Pacific Northwest? Pennsylvania Dutch? Cork? This might help you decide which is best for your character.)

Story Information

First Appearance:
Earliest Appearance:


Extrauniversal Information

Analogue: (What already existing character is your character most like? Naruto Uzumaki? Homer Simpson? Eddy?)
Desired Voice Actor: (What actor or voice actor in the real world would you like to play your character? Nicholas Cage? Will Smith? Ben Affleck?)
Inspiration: (What already existing character, real world person, or other thing that isn't from your own universe inspired your character? Buzz Lightyear? Johnny Appleseed? Armenia?)


MBIT Personality Type:
Nature: (How does your character act when they are really being their self?)
Demeanor: (How does your character act to hide their real self?)


First Impressions:

Strangers' Impressions:

Friends' Impressions:

Family's Impressions:

Self Impression:

Authority's Impressions:

Associates' Impressions:

Lover's Impression:

Creator's Impression:

Post Mortem Impression:

Defining Moment


Infancy: (What was you character's life like from age 0 to age 3?)

Childhood: (What was your character's life like from age 4 to age 12?)

Adolescence: (What was your character's life like from age 13 to age 19?)

Adulthood: (What was your character's life like from age 20 to age 54?)

Seniority: (What was your character's life like from age 55 until death?)

Other Information

RE: Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Kat - 01-19-2016

[New Generation Fae]

Name: Vian Vereaux
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Fae
Hair color: Orchid purple base color with cerulean highlights.
Eye color: Stormy grey inner ring, pale blue middle ring, and stone blue outer ring.
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 134lbs

: Chameleon
Demeanor: Visionary
Likes: Pasta, Street racing, old Westerns, Smoking
Dislikes: Red meat, Police, Small talk, Traditionalists
Merits: Acute sense - Smell, Taste, Hearing, Vision. Ambidextrous. Crack Driver. Daredevil. Lucky. Self Confident.
Flaws: Addiction - Cigarettes. Bound - Clan Vereaux. Compulsion. Hatred. Soft hearted.
Disciplines: Potence, Celerity, Auspex, Presence, Dominate, Fortitude. Natural Glamour.
Affiliations: Clan Vereaux, Clan Arden.

The deets/bio blurb:
- Progeny of Kayen Vereaux, sibling to Ki and Adon Vereaux.
- Next in line for Matriarch of Clan Vereaux.

Name: Echo Valencoste
Gender: Female
Orientation: Demisexual
Race: Fae
Hair color: Dark chestnut with caramel highlights.
Eye color: Near black inner ring, a slightly lighter brown to the middle ring, and a mocha outer ring.
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 149lbs

Nature: Traditionalist
Demeanor: Soldier
Likes: Arts and crafts, fine art, order, Ethiopian food
Dislikes: Arguments, destruction, short tempers, deception.
Merits: Acute sense - Smell, Taste, Hearing, Vision. Calm heart. Cat-like balance. Fast learner. Natural Leader. Police ties. Protege. Scholar. True Faith.
Flaws: Bound - Clan Valencoste. Cold breeze. Dark secret. Enemy. Nightmares.
Disciplines: Potence, Celerity, Auspex, Presence, Dominate, Fortitude. Natural Glamour.
Affiliations: Clan Morandori, Clan Valencoste, Clan Quies.

The deets/bio blurb
- Progeny of Tazir Valencoste, with no siblings
- Recently lost a loved one.

Name: Laurie Arden
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Fae
Hair color: Sleek black.
Eye color: Inner circle is a spruce blue, middle circle is a denim blue, and the outer circle is a aegean blue.
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 129lbs

Nature: Enigma
Demeanor: Martyr
Likes: Reading, Writing, History, Game Shows
Dislikes: Drama, travel, most people, most places.
Merits: Acute sense - Smell, Taste, Hearing, Vision. Baby face. Calm heart. Danger Sense. Eidetic Memory. Immaculate aura. Natural Linguist. Precocious. Scholar of Enemies, Allies, and other supernatural beings.
Flaws: Bound - Clan Arden. Fragile bones. Impatient. Low self image. Over extended. Privacy Obsession. Short. Uppity.
Disciplines: Celerity, Auspex, Presence, Dominate. Natural Glamour.
Affiliations: Clan Arden, Clan Englos, Clan Morandori, Clan Quies, Clan Valencoste, Clan Vereaux.

The deets/bio blurb
- Progeny of Caspian Vereaux, sibling to several.
- Watcher of Chance Arden after the untimely demise of Des Arden.

RE: Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Kat - 09-29-2016

[New Generation Fae]

Name: Anja Morandori
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual.
Race: Fae
Hair color: Light brown, sandy blonde highlights.
Eye color: Honey inner ring, lime green middle ring, and forest green outer ring.
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 131lbs

: Critic
Demeanor: Sensualist
Likes: Coconut, festivities, jewelry, crochet.
Dislikes: Pork, being alone, spirits, arguing.
Merits: Acute sense - Smell, Taste, Hearing, Vision. Ambidextrous. Self Confident. Iron Will. Culture Knack.
Flaws: Bound - Clan Morandori. Offensive to Animals. Pitiable. Ward (Aegis Barris).
Disciplines: Potence, Celerity, Auspex, Presence, Dominate, Fortitude. Natural Glamour.
Affiliations: Clan Morandori, Clan Barris.

The deets/bio blurb:
- Progeny of Marquee and Rockland Morandori.
- Having a fling with Nic Morandori.

Name: Krig Quies
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual/bi-curious
Race: Fae
Hair color: Ivory white.
Eye color: Bone white inner ring, smokey gray to the middle ring, and a ash gray outer ring.
Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 232lbs

Nature: Wanderer
Demeanor: Sycophant
Likes: Ballet, live theater, modern culture, film, technology.
Dislikes: Being stationary too long, having no money, talking about his past.
Merits: Acute sense - Smell, Taste, Hearing, Vision. Calm heart. Cat-like balance. Fast learner. Night vision.
Flaws: Bound - Clan Quies. Cold breeze. Disfigured. Weak Glamour. Otherworldly taint.
Disciplines: Potence, Celerity, Auspex, Presence, Dominate, Fortitude. Natural Glamour.
Affiliations: Clan Vereaux, Clan Valencoste, Clan Quies.

The deets/bio blurb
- Progeny of Wick Quies, oldest male
- Ran away from the Quies.

Name: Diaesare Englos
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Fae
Hair color: Pale gold with blonde highlights..
Eye color: Inner circle is a light gray/blue, middle circle is a pale sea green, and the outer circle is a pale slate blue.
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 126lbs

Nature: Conniver
Demeanor: Sage
Likes: Fashion, being outdoors, skiing and swimming.
Dislikes: Poor quality, outspoken people, sports.
Merits: Acute sense - Smell, Taste, Hearing, Vision. Calm heart. Natural Linguist. Owner (Mansion, Night club). Longevity. Poison resistance.
Flaws: Bound - Clan Englos. Impatient. Sterile. Echoes (Banality).
Disciplines: Celerity, Auspex, Presence, Dominate. Natural Glamour.
Affiliations: Clan Englos

The deets/bio blurb
- Progeny of Tobias and Demetri Englos, sibling to several.
- Next in line for Englos' Matriarch.

RE: Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Kat - 10-10-2016

Name: Rhailosiobahn "Rhailo" Destros
Gender: Female
Orientation: Hetero inclined.
Race: Auroun.
Age: Appears 26-28 in human years. Actual age unknown.
Hair color: Silver/pale platinum.
Eye color: Milky white, stretching from the outermost sclera all the way to her pupil; light gray pupils.
Complexion: Fair skinned - almost completely white.
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 136lbs

Nature: -
Demeanor: -
Likes: - Music, dancing, clubs, free drinks, sightseeing, jogging, exercising, swimming, rock climbing, hiking, trivia games, velcro, tea, most fruits, shopping.
Dislikes: Smog, decay, untrustworthy people, most outsiders, sitting still for too long, being couped up, most forms of authority, chipped nails, coffee, being denied without a clear reason why, long instructions, being alone.
Merits: Empathetic, gifted, charming, charismatic, curious, loving, otherworldly qualities, attractive.
Flaws: Overly trusting, naive, strong willed, desperately seeks the approval of others, quick to anger.
Disciplines: -
Affiliations: Demagol Sento (former lover; thought to be dead), Braxiskroi "Brax" Destros (twin).

The deets/bio blurb:
- Auroun (far future alien race)
- Psionics
- Seasonal heat
- Loves future equivalent to k-pop/j-pop
- Obsessively cleans when she's nervous

RE: Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Kat - 11-17-2016

Name: Matteo Galaran Weatherfare
Gender: Male
Orientation: Hetero inclined.
Race: Verdant Lynx.
Age: Appears 25-26.
Hair color: Ash Brown.
Eye color: Amber.
Complexion: Sandy beige. Caucasian.
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 170lbs

Likes: - Studying, magic, teaching, flowing robes, thunderstorms, the ocean, quiet.
Dislikes: Arguments, spicy food, most loud noises, surprises, slackers.
Merits: Curious, Knowledgable, Pragmatic, Loyal, Danger Sense,
Flaws: Low self-image, Phobia (spiders), Territorial, Addiction (cigarettes), Weird.
Affiliations: Kingdom College of Magical Arts, Kaizer Weatherfare, Lanzo Weatherfare

The deets/bio blurb:
- Pretty much in love with Darcias
- Hates the internet
- Will argue about stupid things for no reason other than to argue
- Pouts

Name: Kaizer Alejandro Weatherfare
Gender: Male
Orientation: Hetero inclined.
Race: Verdant Lynx.
Age: Appears 22-23.
Hair color: Natural Black/Darkest Brown.
Eye color: Dark Brown.
Complexion: Toffee bronze.
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 210lbs

Likes: - Old school hip hop, music in general, comfortable denim, big cities, clubbing, most sports drinks, spicy food, video games, crime dramas, working out.
Dislikes: Impoliteness, hurting people, blood, horror movies, not staying active, spinach, drug use.
Merits: Charming, Charismatic, Attractive, Persistent, Laid back, Nonconfrontational, Light sleeper.
Flaws: Pacifist, Inferiority Complex, Airhead, Allergic (peanuts), Sterile.
Affiliations: Lanzo Weatherfare, Matteo Weatherfare

The deets/bio blurb:
- Vlogger
- Internet Renown
- Patient to a fault
- 900k+ subscribers to his youtube channel

RE: Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Kat - 11-17-2016

Name: Cheswick Strider
Hair: Silvery white - same color as her coat when she's in Crinos/lupis/glabro forms.
Eyes: A slate grey. similar to iron, chrome, etc.
Height: 5'11" - Long limbs, long torso. Almost lanky.
Weight: 130lbs. Lithe, toned. Naturally curvy, but also very thin in her limbs and at her waist.
Complexion: Fair. Very pale.
Ethnicity: Norwegian/Scandinavian - Caucasian

Homid Form Description: The natural form for homid breed Garou and the form in which they feel most comfortable. Homid form is in all ways identical to a normal human being (save for lupus and metis werewolves, who are allergic to silver and possess regenerative powers in this form). Homid form werewolves still trigger the Curse in normal humans, however.

Glabro Form Description: The Glabro form is bipedal, and it doesn't possess obvious fangs or claws, but the resemblance to a human being ends there. A Garou shifting from Homid to Glabro gains from 100% to 200% in body weight (all muscle) and six inches in height. Body hair becomes much more profuse, the teeth and nails elongate (although not enough to inflict any special damage), the brow slopes, and the character looks huge and menacing.

Crinos Form Description: Affectionately known as the "nine-foot snarlin death-beast" form, a werewolf in Crinos wants to do only one thing -- kill. The natural form of all metis breed Garou, the Crinos is not a form for deliberation, even with other werewolves.

Shifting from Glabro to Crinos, the Garou grows in height by half and gains another 100% to 200% in weight. The head changes to a wolf's maw, and the fangs and claws are now fully grown. The arms become long and apelike, and the werewolf can move either on two legs or all fours. The Garou also grows a tail, which helps with balance.

Hisbo Form Description: The Hispo resembles a normal wolf in the same way that the Glabro resembles a common human. A werewolf in Hispo form looks like a prehistoric dire wolf. The head and jaws are massive, even more so than the Crinos, and the bite of a Hispo inflicts an extra die of damage. The Hispo can stand on its hind legs, if necessary, but it is much more comfortable on all fours.

The Hispo form weighs nearly as much as the Crinos form, but its four-legged stance allows it to run faster. Perception difficulties decrease by one in this form. The senses are sharp, although not so keen as the Lupus. A werewolf in Hispo has no hands, so he cannot grasp objects, except in his mouth.

Lupus Form Description: The natural state of lupus Garou, the pure wolf form is feral and driven by instinct. Used primarily for tracking and travel, the change from Hispo to Lupus causes the Garou to shed a great deal of muscle and body size. The jaws and claws shrink considerably -- a homid or metis in Lupus can cause aggravated wounds with only a bite, and lupus in their breed form cause lethal damage. The Lupus form runs at twice human speed (see Movement) and it is far more perceptive. All Perception difficulties for Garou in Lupus form drop by two.

The Lupus resembles a normal wolf for all intents and purposes. The exact appearance of a Garou's Lupus form will vary depending on her Tribe.

Wendigo Related Abilities:

Heart of Ice — The Garou must know the name of the being to be affected by this power, and must whisper it to the vengeful winds. Subsequently, the victim's heart or other internal organs begin turning to ice, gripped by the curse of Wendigo. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Wendigo.

Invoke the Spirits of the Storm — The Garou may summon just about any weather effects he desires: a blizzard, a monsoon, a tornado, a thunderstorm, a pea-soup fog, whatever. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Wendigo.

Attunement — This Gift is similar to the Bone Gnawer Gift, but may be used only in the wilderness. By standing in a particular area, the character can commune with the spirits of the area, thus getting an overview of what exists or has happened in the area - rough population, secret traits, places of note and so on. This Gift is taught by an Owl-spirit.

Sky Running — The Garou gains the ability to run at 50 mph through the skies. The Garou must continually remain in motion, or he falls. The Garou leaves a track of fire in the sky as he runs. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Wendigo.

Chill of Early Frost — The Garou invokes the spirits of winter in a great ritual, summoning biting winds that whistle and shriek through the area. The chill is as much mystical as it is physical, sent from the domain of great Wendigo himself.

Cutting Wind — The Garou may summon a painfully bitter blast of wind, which he may direct at foes. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Wendigo.

Ahroun Auspice Gifts:

Kiss of Helios: The Ahroun can invoke the sun's power to become completely immune to the damaging effects of fire. Additionally, the Ahroun may ignite any portion of his body and keep it burning for extended periods. Most commonly the Garou will light his mane during rituals, but he can also ignite his claws or mouth without ill effects.

Stoking Fury's Furnace: No auspice is as closely tied to their Rage as the Ahroun, who is the master of directing his fury. This Gift allows him to channel his Rage even more effectively.

Clenched Jaw: The werewolf with this Gift can bite down with such power that her grip won't loosen until she chooses to do so; even in death, her jaws bite down.

Silver Claws: The Ahroun can establish her battlefield primacy against other werebeasts by transforming her own claws into silver. The silver claws do aggravated damage to all targets, and is unsoakable by most other werebeasts.

True Fear : The Ahroun can display the true extent of her power, scaring one chosen foe into quiescence for a number of turns. When under this power, the victim cannot attack, but may defend himself if attacked and otherwise act normally, although his actions will likely be guided by fear.

Spirit of the Fray: This Gift allows the Ahroun to attack with lightning speed, striking before any foe.

Razor Claws: The Garou can hone his claws to a razor sharpness by scratching them across a hard surface, such as a stone floor or metal dumpster. The Garou must sharpen his claws, in Crinos form, for one turn before combat.

Falling Touch: This Gift allows the Garou to send her foe sprawling with but a touch.

RE: Character Info Dump [read only storage] - Kat - 05-04-2017

Character Name: A'kade Destros; Kade nowadays.
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Character Gender: Female
Character Hair Color: Honey blonde, paler blonde highlights.
Character Eye Color: Sapphire blue.
Character Skin Tone: Fair skinned from lack of the sun- olive skin complexion hinting that she would tan well if she had the chance.

Character Class(es)/Profession(s): Machinist, Bard, Leatherworker.
Character Alignment: Unknown.
Character Allegiance(s): Garlean Empire, Foundation. Ties to the Twin Adders due to having contacts in their ranks.

Character Likes: Teasing, quiet, hot meals, being clean, alcohol, large predators, the snow, men
Character Dislikes: Excessive heat, being questioned for too long, getting too close to anyone, arguing, commitment
Character Hobbies: Talking, listening, fucking, drinking. Etc.
Character Merits: Skilled with a gun or a bow, Kade is best suited for long range encounters and excels at fight or flight mechanics. She's a good listener, an attentive friend, and an addictive lover who dotes endlessly on the men she ends up giving her favor.
Character Flaws: Any attention can be good attention for Kade, and though she rarely admits it, she feels compelled to give men what they want from her. This has led to more than a few one night stands over the years. Kade also has a tendency to lie about almost everything relating to herself, so what is known is likely a half-truth at best, and sometimes changes when she mixes up just who was told what.
Character History: Kade has vaguely mentioned a childhood in the Sangolii, born to a much smaller than average tribe of the Seekers of the Sun, though she isn't fond of speaking at length of the experience. Her life is otherwise an open book, closed detail affair; seemingly mundane to most who meet the woman. Her current occupation, work as a furrier and pelt trader, is based out of a wharf beyond the gates of Foundation, though her free time is more often than not pissed away in the local taverns of Brune.

Character Reference: Kade Destros
Character Extras: Her ears are very sensitive to touch. She really hates rain. She keeps her nails long for vanity reasons. She has a sweet tooth. She has a hunting Hawk named Gilroy, but she always says he has no name because she doesn't want to admit naming it Gilroy.

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