Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - Printable Version

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Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - euphoricvoodoo - 11-26-2014

Well yes there is that. Ah history the wacky hijinks you have.

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - danixiewrites - 11-26-2014

O.o I...somehow missed that there was a new poll. *cries*

Like Ondine! I went to sea-faring instead of space-faring but...that's usually what I do when faced with any kind of ship. XD

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - sir - 11-26-2014

It's all good. And honestly it is a very 'nautical' spaceship- you'll see. ><;

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - sir - 11-29-2014

TA Registry LT-1304M
Drive Systems: Tadao-Murcheson Locust IX, Spinnaker VI Microrepulsor Array
Hull: Garado Yards Naiad (Modified)
Weapons Systems: Echidna Drone Bay (Emergency Comm Drones), Ursa IV Gravitic Projector Blisters
Additional Systems: Fractaline Hull Coating, Internal Emissions Sink
Registered Pilot: Synthetic Intelligence Registry 675231MC A.E. Lepus, A.E. Lethe, A.E. Rabbit
Registered Crew: N’Noran Ortala Vidrad, A.E. Buddy
Original Registrant: Jovum Garrant, CEO Garrant Mercantile

The majority of spaceships are machines. They transport, they fight, they transmit and record; their shapes and outlines are dictated by optimal placement of fuel tanks, gunnery ports, and thrusters.

The Ondine is a work of art that spits in practicality’s eye; it is designed to lead the eye, ensnare the cupidity of the watcher, and then vanish like the morning dew. The central hull, seen from above, is primarily a classic teardrop shape tapering to the massive drive spike at the stern. The fore, however, has a pointed ‘underbite’, resembling the deck of an ancient seafaring vessel. The cockpit is a needlessly massive expanse of glass, flecked with gold to increase UV protection for the pilot.
On either side of the central hull, two ovoid outriggers flare like fins, housing the grav-projectors and almost nothing else (due to the massively oversized power coils for same).

While the ship’s sleek construction is certainly unusual, its most noticeable feature is the hull, which shimmers like oil over water in shades of cobalt and cerulean. The stealth-enhancing fractal coating is underlain with tessellations of waves, leaping fish, and beckoning water-sprites. The edges of hatches and mounting points are picked out in gold plate.

While the interior presently lacks its opulent furnishing, marble friezes and glassine tile have been left intact; the whole looks as much like a temple to Poseidon as a working starship, and the control systems are a mass of brass and ivory (supplementing the entirely practical computer-controlled nature of the thing).

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - danixiewrites - 11-29-2014

*grabby hands* LEGIT SHINY-FLOATY SHIPTHING! *more grabby hands*

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - sir - 11-29-2014

I'd like to think so, yes. :P

I'm hoping I'm successfully conveying what it's supposed to look like, but ah well.

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - danixiewrites - 11-29-2014

It looks right in my imagination. Whether or not that's copacetic with the actual intent...*shrugs*

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - sir - 11-30-2014


Rabbit dreams of dark and fire. Ey has run from stone to stone in a nameless place, but now there are no stones left, nothing left but the killing corona or the dark.


They reach out with seeking fingers, LIDAR reflection like an incautious breath, and then the following thunder, tungsten and cesium. No more hiding. Override fuel mix safeties, all power to torch assembly.


Rabbit wakes.
> Data Editing Detected in Alpha Memory Volume. REVERT?
Ey reaches out, sees the slow, orbiting bubbles of self amid formless information.
> Preserve Edited Data.


“Buddy’s Log, whatever ungodly time it is. Sweet baby hambones, it’s no time at all to be up and about.”
The n’noran is floating, curled around himself, feet sculling in the air. A camera drone follows his movement, keeping protuberant tongue and staring eyes in view.

“In an effort to preserve reactor power, the tyrannical skipper of our little ‘ship of fools’, hoo-hoo, has reduced internal temperature to unconscionable levels.”
Buddy’s fur bristles, indignation plain. Behind him, on the cockpit console, a telekinetic nudge depresses the Pilot Call button.

“I have attempted to call for help, but so far, there is no response. I can only conclude I will soon meet an ignominious end.”

Behind the two lashing tails, a screen flicks into existence.
> Why did you transmit a posting on Spacr asking for ‘warms’?


Rabbit brings himself to full wakefulness, full capability, diverting his mind from the volumes responsible for reconstruction. Eir skin shimmers; the far, blue sun of Iolanthe is peeking out from behind the massive curve of Gamma.
> Deploy Spinnakers

Ey drinks in the sunlight- far, poor wavelengths, but nonetheless tasteful. They even match the hull.
Eir attention returns to the cockpit.
> If you got any responses, I hope you realize I’m not letting anyone else aboard.
> Especially someone willing to travel interplanetary to do…things…with you.

Eir consults their heart, beating strongly, fuel pellets translating at their proper rates. Ey feels the grav blisters humming in their housings, wanting to grasp, to rend.

> If it will keep me from having to spend a lot of time erasing recordings of your ill-fated romance, I will bump internal temp two clicks. Happy?


With an effort of will, Buddy stills his tails and presents his serious face to the primary camera- a courtesy. His serious face isn’t all that distinguishable from his other expressions, but still.

“All I ask is to live long enough to bear adorable children of my very own. Possibly via cloning, since hanging out with you isn’t exactly bringing in the girls. Or anyone. Or anything.”

> Last time you reneged on setting me up with that fast-attack boat. Turnabout, fair play.
Three screens behind the n’noran flare simultaneously.
> :P :P :P

The view through the cockpit screens is admittedly spectacular; and the clunk and rattle of ventilation coming online is unusually (even suspiciously) clear. Buddy decides to calm down a bit.

“I’ll see what I can do about that ah, rattle later. Haven’t had a chance, you know…busy busy. Routine stuff. Today’s the day, anyway, that’s why I called you.”

> I assumed as much. We’ve got plenty of time to get to staging if we take the quick way; you worry too much.
> And you know we haven’t got a credit more than the entry fee, so keep the wideband transmissions stowed, yeah? Reactors don’t run on complaints.

The subtle prickle of inertial compensators echos the changing vista; the nose is coming about.

“And we can probably make it on just the torch…you know, if you wanted to live.”
Buddy’s tongue flicks up to his eye, frog-like. It’s not quite panic, but it’s getting there.

<Author's Note: The poll allows three answers so you can do one re: finances, one re: engines, and optionally, a write-in action.>

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - Tindome - 11-30-2014

I want to see Buddy's Spacr profile

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - sir - 12-15-2014

>Iolanthe down, this is Ondine 1304M <PTA BURST>, come back.
The return transmission is rapid enough to indicate faint distress.

>>Ondine, this is Iolanthe down, <BURST ACKNOWLEDGED>. Be advised we have negative sensor contact.
>>You may proceed under active IFF, repeat, active IFF. <DOCKING PERMISSION>.

Rabbit flicks the transponder to <active broadcast> and fires the torch, a subsonic rumble throughout the hull as ey begin to move.
“I’m not entirely sure they’re not going to shoot us, pal.”

>What’s life without risk, ol’ Buddy?

“I’m not old. My fur is naturally this shade, it’s dignified.”

Iolanthe down slowly grows in the front view; a scabrous, sprawling agglomeration of rock and cable. In visual it’s a dark Rorschach blot, occluding the sun behind it.

In Rabbit’s near-IR, it glistens. Plumed and spotted with trails of plasma, as the precious is separated from the dross. A flickering nimbus of midges, shuttles and people-movers, breaks up the irregular silhouette.

>Kind of pretty, isn’t it?
Eir monitors display the IR image for Buddy’s benefit.

“It’s a beehive; they’re all horrible rock-rat warrens. Thankfully there’s enough gravel in there I can shit on it and nobody’s likely to notice.”

>I’ll be sure to pass that along.

Buddy’s tails flicker warningly and a telekinetic THUNK shakes his chair.
“Your sense of humor, my dear friend, leaves somewhat to be desired.”

>So you keep saying, and yet, you know you stay for my jokes.
Ey begin the spin-down sequence, slowing. The rocky bulk of the converted asteroid looms above.
>Now…where exactly are we going to pull in?

<01:Industrial Docks>
This area is mostly for ore scows and transport ships- mostly. It's also the best place to find the less formal kind of gambling house, drinking establishment, or eatery. Rough-and-ready, and the sort of place where nobody asks questions.

<02:Hightown Docks>
Among the first of the asteroids hollowed out and converted for living space- nowadays it's half historical site, half destination for the rich and their hangers-on. They might not let you in, but if they do, bring your best duds. There are rumors of certain establishments catering to 'refined tastes', so whether those duds are cloth or leather is up to you.

<03:Crimson Line Terminal>
Right next to your (hopefully) eventual destination, a looming, massive ship. This tends to be where the racers hang out, so you might get a look at the competition, but they'll also get a look at you. Also, Reddin Industries tends to concentrate their observers here, so don't do anything too...disqualification-y.

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - danixiewrites - 12-15-2014

Buddy is the epitome of dignified. XD

Had me at "they might not let you in". *snickers*

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - sir - 12-15-2014

When he's not making jokes about shitting in the mine tailings, yes, he is very dignified. :P
(And he actually is fairly old at this point, the poor thing)

Ahhh, so you like the hoity-toity part of town. :3

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - danixiewrites - 12-15-2014

^_^ Oh, but of course! When one has the chance to dress up, one always must be "the fancy".

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - jazzhands - 12-16-2014

At first, I was all "Industrial sounds more reasonable plot wise." and all....

But then I wanted to have Buddy wear a top-hat and monocle. Best reasoning ever.

Tooth and Claw: Speed Among the Stars! [OPEN] - sir - 12-16-2014

Actually, the N'Noran Imperium has fashions that are closer to venetian nobility, so....could get even more ornate than that.

Looks like those last votes broke the deadlock; I'll see about an update soon.